Little Sister Part 3 - Kate Bishop

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Warnings: some swearing if you need a warning for that

And thus concludes the mini series. This is the third and final instalment for my "Little Sister" mini series. This was requested by @jayjayromanoff

I hope you enjoy this part as much as I enjoyed writing it, which was a lot :)

I think this has been my favorite series of one shots to write. I'm so incredibly proud of this series and I'm so happy yall have been enjoying them

A few months had passed since everything that had happened. Y/n and Kate had spent those entire months living in the Avenger's compound, and the rest of the team had been very understanding about having a little girl around. Natasha had been on their backs about giving Kate and y/n space so that the eleven year old could get used to everything, and Kate was grateful for the support of everyone.

Due to the number of people Kate was now responsible for had grown from one to two, she had decided to not renew the lease on her apartment and move out. Tony had been very kind and helped the young archer hire a moving company, who boxed up and moved all of her stuff into storage. It was a temporary solution, only until Kate could find a new apartment for her and her sister to live in. But in the meantime, they were in no rush to move out of the compound. Y/n seemed to like it, so Kate was fine with staying.

A few months after y/n had settled in and seemed to have adjusted nicely to the new living space and conditions of life, Kate finally broke the news to the eleven year old about their mother. She shared a very abbreviated version of the events from Christmas and how their mother had been arrested. Y/n seemed a bit upset at the fact, and Kate couldn't figure out why. Sure Eleanor was their mother, and the events that happened were upsetting, but it never occurred to Kate that Eleanor was the only memory y/n had of her life before the Red Room. Sure she remembered wisps, or feelings of Kate, but Eleanor was the only solid memory that y/n had. With Eleanor gone and behind bars, it made y/n feel like her childhood was actually gone.

Kate tried her best to make y/n happy, introducing her to all the important things that a child should care about. The two of them got ice cream together, the moment being y/n's first time getting the sweet treat. Y/n was introduced to Disney, and found their movies dumb, but enjoyable. Kate even took her laser tagging, dragging Natasha and Yelena with them so y/n could get the full chaotic experience.

Honestly, it had been the happiest that both sisters had been in a long time.

Kate, however, had been temporarily benched from any further missions, Steve and Natasha claiming that her priority had to be her sister. Y/n needed Kate right now at this time in her life, and the older sister needed to put her full attention on y/n. While Kate was a little butt-hurt about being benched, she understood the reasoning.

On the topic of missions, most of the Avengers had been gone recently. The only people who permanently lived in the compound were Steve, Banner, Wanda, Vision, and occasionally Thor when he visited. All the others had rooms they could use when they came over, but most everyone had their own lives to live, their own places to be.

It was one of these nights where most people were gone, either to their own homes or on mission, where Kate found herself in the training room with y/n, Natasha, and Yelena. Y/n had wanted to practice some hand to hand combat, and for an eleven year old she was very stubborn. Kate was instantly against the idea of it, not wanting her little sister getting hurt or injured. Natasha and Yelena on the other hand, had encouraged the idea, the red head claiming that the physical activity would be good for the kid while Yelena had said it would just be fun.

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