Felt to real - S.J, F.P, H.S, E.O

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Warnings: Panic attacks

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I've been missing for the last few weeks. I got Covid and then some issues came up with my family that I just lost all my motivation to write.

Anyways, this one-shot was requested by @jayjayromanoff

I hope you like it. Sorry if it's horrible. I'm not sure how I feel about it but here it is.

Age: 7

It's all too real.

This can't be happening

But it is, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Today we were continuing to film the next installment of the MCU, and most days I'd be excited about this. Except for today. Today's scene hit a bit too close to home for me.

I scanned over my lines for the day, doing my best to decipher everything. Usually one of the other cast members would help me with my lines since I was only seven years old and still learning, but I didn't want any of them to catch on to the fact that the scene was going to be hard for me.

A sudden knock on the trailer door pulled me out of my trance. I wasn't allowed to have my own trailer since, again, I'm seven. The studio was originally going to get me a babysitter since my parents didn't want that responsibility, but Scarlett had volunteered. She was, however, off to hair and make up and one of the other cast members was supposed to come get me to look after me.

I wandered over to the trailer door and pulled it open to reveal Lizzie, all decked out in her hair and makeup.

"Lizzie!" I squealed, tackling her into a tight hug.

"Hi, y/n. You ready for another day of filming?" she asked, returning the hug.

At the mention of filming, today's scene played on my memory, and my mood instantly dropped.

"Yeah, I guess." I responded a bit tiredly.

Lizzie stared at me for a moment, picking on something being wrong, but ultimately let it go. If something was bothering me, I'd come to her or one of the other cast members when I'm ready to talk about it. That's what I always did.

"They're ready for you in hair and makeup. Wanna get going?" Lizzie asked, running a hand through my hair.

I just nodded.

She held out a hand for me to take, which I did, and she led me through the studio to the hair and makeup trailer.

"Good morning, y/n." Astrid, my make-up artist, greeted me with a bright smile.

"Good morning." I returned the smile while plopping down the chair.

I had been told that for a seven year old, I had good manners.

Astrid got to work quietly, and was done in just a few minutes. She had styled my hair in a simple manner, and had put very little make up on me. Astrid, plus the director, had agreed that a seven year old didn't need a full face of makeup, which I was grateful for because I had no idea how long I could just sit there and be still.

Lizzie was seated right next to me, going over her own script while she waited for me.

I racked my brain for some kind of excuse to get out of filming today. I could just say I wasn't feeling well or I needed more time to learn my lines. Both would work, but the first one would cause the cast to go into overprotective mode and the second would make the director frustrated. I was stuck doing this scene whether I liked it or not.

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