Important Update

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Hi everyone! 

I have a really important update on the future of this one shot book.

So, I have school starting up again next week, with that plus work will be eating up almost all my free time. 

Also, I am outlining a new book! A new story is in the works and its been one that I've been thinking about for a while. 

The point is, I'm temporarily putting this one shot book on hiatus. It's not the end, but I'm taking a break from writing one shots while I start up school again and start writing my other story. I will be back here at some point, but this book is going to be taking a break.

I love you all and hope yall understand.

Remember, I'll be back, just might be a little while.

In the meantime, keep an eye out for my new book! The outline for it is done and I'll begin writing chapters, so it should be coming out soon!

Remember, I love you guys and will be back  :)

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