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Reminder: I'm currently working on a rewrite of this book! I'd appreciate people checking it out! It's gonna be vv different but I can't stop cringing at how 13 year old me wrote this book so I want to fix it these five years later. Anyways, here's an update to this book finally since its still decently popular somehow uwu


(Y/n) woke up to the voices of the two men she's been with all this time. She couldn't quite make out what was being discussed as she slowly got up with a groan. Her rest just made her feel more groggy and tired than before.

"Morning," Brian was the first to notice she was now up, making sure to greet her. She simply waved him off, getting up to get some water before saying a word this morning.

"We've already packed our stuff. Once you're ready we can go get breakfast and then head on our way," Tim told her as she gulped down her drink.

"Nice, I could really use something good to eat." She mumbled, now digging through her purse to find a hair brush. "How much longer did I sleep than you two?"

Tim and Brian both shrugged. "I woke up at like 7 a.m." Tim answered. From Brian, "like 8:30."

(Y/n) glanced at the clock on the table. It said 12:27 p.m. She groaned in mild annoyance. "Someone should've woke me up, I could've at least help pack up," she grumbled, tidying up the last few things in her appearance before being ready.

The group then left the hotel, double checking to make sure they didn't forget any belongings and also took all the mini shampoos and soaps like everyone does.

The car ride was quiet aside from the radio, which was rather clear of static the whole time. That's usually a good sign. They went the next town over to find someplace to eat, deciding on just a random breakfast dinner.

After their meal, it was a long trip for them. Brain was the first to drive on this long car ride. (Y/n) made Tim stay in the back with her so they could be closer and she could show him things on her phone easier. It was nice.

At some point, Brian decided to stop for gas, leaving the two in the back alone for a while to pay for things. With a lit cigarette in hand, (y/n) leaned against Tim, blowing smoke at him.

"Okay, that was unnecessary," he huffed, turning his face away from the smoke. The woman laughed at him.

"You literally smoke, too, dude." He just shook his head at her words, taking the cigarette from her hand and taking a drag just to do the same to her. She coughed and backed up, pouting at him.

"See? Not pleasant," Tim now laughed at the pouting girl who snatched her cigarette back.

She then goes to kiss him, getting very close to his face. He leaned forward as well, ready to close the gap between the two. With their faces just centimeters apart, (y/n) grins as she blows a huge puff of smoke into his face, effectively cockblocking him from the kiss. "Bitch," she laughed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Brat," Tim mumbled back, starting to slowly run his fingers through her hair.

"You love me, though." She beamed. He just softly chuckled and said nothing back to that. They simply relaxed together in the silence alone.

Soon enough, though, Tim brought her face up, bringing it to his. Luckily, nothing interrupted this time. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck as he kept his hands on her waist. The kissing was soft, sweet, with only half the passion of usual make out sessions between the two.

They stayed together like that for a while, barely going much farther, until a knock on the car window startled both of them. (Y/n) quickly jumped back, now very far from Tim. Brian was glaring at them from outside.

His face seemed to say he would beat them if they fucked in the car like that for the millionth time again.

It would honestly be justified if he did, though.

Once done with the gas, Brian opened a back seat door, demanding Tim to drive now.

He was totally cockblocking them now.

Tim got out to drive with little complaint though, and Brian got in the front seat, now leaving (y/n) to be alone again in the back.

"Oh, here," Brian spoke up, tossing a bag from the gas station to the back for (y/n). She checked it, seeing a bunch of snacks and more cigarettes inside. "That's for you, I got some more stuff up here for Tim and I."

(Y/n) immediately went to open a bag of her favorite chips. "Thank you!" She beamed before starting to stuff her face happily.

The trip then continued.

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