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Brian was out again, leaving (y/n) and Tim back at the hotel. Brian had sort of just became the errand boy, but honestly he was okay with it. He wasn't always okay with being there while the two fucked like bunnies. So now, he was driving to a somewhat far away store, giving the couple plenty of time to deaden their strong sex drives.

It literally baffled the man how they could fuck so much.

Soon, he pulled into the parking lot in front of the store, parking close to the door. Grabbing the keys and his wallet, stuffing them in his pockets, he climbed out of the car, running a hand through his light brown hair. He looked around, the store seeming deserted. There was only one other car here.

He walked through the automatic doors, getting hit with cool, stale air. He sighed, trying his best to remember everything they needed. He took his time collecting up everything in the dark blue basket on his arm that he picked up at the entrance.

He got the food, drinks, and cigarettes they needed/wanted, paying with (y/n)'s cash. As he walked out with three bags in his hand, he noticed a red headed girl sitting on the side walk, half asleep. Typically, Brian would ignore someone like her, but something was urging him to interact. So, after putting his bags in the gray car, he walked up to her.

She sat on the dusty pavement, a large, thick dark brown jacket draped over her shoulders. Her knees were brought up to her chest, her head resting on them with bright red hair hiding her face. Brian approached her the same way he would a wounded animal, cautious and gentle. "Excuse me?" He spoke up, only around a foot or two away from her.

She shifted with a groan, turning her head and looking up at him. Her hair fell away from her face, showing clear skin and large hazel eyes. Her only flaw was prominent black circles that dulled the colors in her eyes. "Mm, y-yes?" She seemed as if she was scared and confused.

"Are you okay? Girls don't just sit on side walks like this, you know," Brian tried to stay a bit casual, not wanting to come off as the wrong kind of person. Yeah, he wasn't safe to be around, definitely has done enough to have life in prison, and more, yet he still wasn't too horrible of a person. Not exactly?

"I..." She hesitated before speaking, as if she wasn't sure of the answer even the littlest bit. "I think I am?" She doubted her words, questioning in her voice.

Brian held a hand out to her, offering to help her up. "Well, let me help you out some at least?" He suggested as she cautiously took his hand. Her hands were so much smaller than his, yet just has rough from her own work. As she stood, she only reached his upper chest. She was a petite individual.

"I guess some help would be nice.." she spoke, avoiding eye contact with him. "Well, can I buy you some food to start with? You seem like you're starving."

She wanted to object, not wanting him to spend his money on her since she had none. She was penniless. However, she slowly nodded, allowing him to lead her to his car.

He let her sit in the passenger seat before running around the car to the driver's side. He got in and soon started the car, looking over at the ginger girl. "So, anywhere you'd like to eat at? You can pick anything." He questioned her with a kind smile.

"Uh..." She had no idea where to eat, not saying much. "Maybe Wendy's?" She then quietly said with a small, shy smile that Brian returned.

"Alright, to there we go."

It was a quick drive to the closest Wendy's, where Brian let the girl get anything she'd like to eat. Again, Brian had (y/n)'s money, meaning he had a lot. He found out the girl's name was Sarah, and that they had met when they were up in Michigan. She was that waitress he flirted with.

He also found out a lot more. Apparently she woke up here, no idea where she was or how she got here. Her earliest memory was static. She was being followed too, and from what he could tell, for about half a year now.

They were in the car again, Sarah munching on a few remaining fries. Brian decided to let her join his trio, deciding having her with them would be easier for her at least.

"So, let's go meet those friends of mine I mentioned?" Brian suggested, looking over at Sarah. She nodded with a small smile.

It was a longer drive back to the hotel, Brian begging that the two others weren't humping like bunnies. Sarah seemed too pure to walk in on something like that.

Luckily, when Brian unlocked the hotel room with bags in his hands and a short girl awkwardly standing behind him, Tim and (y/n) were just cuddling while watching TV.

Brian knew how (y/n) admitted her love for Tim, and how Tim loved her back. Yet the cliché of a tragic past kept him from admitting it even to himself. Brian understood, yet still thought it was fairly stupid. They both loved each other, yet stayed as fuck-buddies or something along those lines.

"Guys, got a new recruit," Brian told them, getting their attentions as he laid the bags in the table in front of the bed, walking in and motioning for Sarah to follow him.

"Oooh, it's that waitress from Michigan!" (Y/n) quickly spoke up  with a smile. "Sarah, wasn't it?" She merely smiled and nodded, obviously more keen to staying quiet.

"So, does she have the sickness?" Tim spoke up and asked, eyeing Sarah curiously. Brian nodded as he let Sarah sit in the one chair, forcing himself to stand. "Yep. Coughing, blood, puking, headaches, the typical. However, she is an odd one like (y/n). Her nightmares are extremely similar," Brian explained, grabbing a bag of chips from the snacks he bought.

"Well, I guess she's welcomed at least for now?" (Y/n) didn't put up much objection, even though she was highly skeptical of Sarah. Maybe it was just her paranoia getting to her, but her gut instinct said she wasn't good. However, Brian was great at getting people to eventually agree with him, so she didn't even try.

She looked up at Tim, who merely just shrugged. He seemed to feel the same some. "Well, Sarah, welcome to our little run away from the demon group," Brian said it jokingly, but that was literally all the group was.

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