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The chilled air pricked at the revealed skin of (h/c) haired woman as she trudged on through the woodland area, taking her usual short cut to the closest store. She fumbled in her bag as she walked, looking for her pack of cigarettes that only held two of the amazing cancer sticks. "Where are they..." She mumbled, stumbling over a large rock due to being less focused on where she was walking.

However, she became focused when a loud snap came from behind her, making her freeze, (e/c) eyes wide. She didn't dare turn around to see what it was. With young ones disappearing around here, she wasn't taking chances. After only a few mere seconds, she stopped looking through her purse, starting to quickly bolt away, valuing her life at the moment.

She ran until she no longer could, having to stop and breath heavily, bent over with hands on her knees. "Fuck, I'm in bad shape..." She panted, looking around. She was almost out of the woods. Thank God.

She was exhausted now, but kept pulling through, jogging till she exited the woods onto the road. The store was right there, only a few yards to her right. She jogged up to it, wanting to be as far away from the woods she could be.

She rested against the concrete walls of the cheap convenience store, letting herself relax and smoke one of her last cigarettes. Once finished, she dropped the bud and stomped on the remains of the cigarette, twisting her foot against the concrete.

She glanced around the parking lot, noticing only three cars were around. It wasn't like this store was popular, but usually there were at least seven cars at this time. Slow day, she guessed.

She made her way into the plain store, the colder, stale air irritating her. Immediately, she went to the counter. There was a man in front of her, just a tiny bit taller and with dark, messy black hair. "Two Marlboro packs also," He added to his order as his snacks and such were packed into the small, ugly yellow plastic bags. He ended up with three bags and a much smaller separate one for his cigarettes. He payed in cash, which she quickly noticed and thought was odd. Hardly anyone here payed with cash now, yet she didn't think on it too much as he turned around, making his way out. She side glanced him, getting half of his face in her view for a few seconds.

Average, he was, but still very attractive. Nothing stood out about him. He blended in perfectly as a normal person. What she should have noticed though was how he stared at her on his way out.

"How may I help you, (y/n)?" The young man behind the counter greeted her with a smile that was only half fake. "Y'know, two packs of Newports one hundreds like always," She smiled back as he nodded and grabbed them for her. She mumbled a thank you, payed with her debit card, then left the store.

She quickly got a cigarette and smoked another, letting the minty smoke fill her lungs before sighing it out. Smoking always kept her at peace. She looked around, seeing the man from earlier messing with things in the trunk of his car. She watched him, taking deep drags from her cigarette. She might just be able to get a ride, if not even more, from him. She was quite bored anyways.

He looked up and over at her, making direct eye contact with his dark hazel eyes. She faintly smiled at him, watching him merely shake his head to himself was he slammed the top to the trunk down.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she finished the quick smoke, walking over to his car. Something about him made her feel as if she had to talk to him. And so she did.

"Yo," She raised a hand as a wave and then let it fall back down, using a way too casual greeting for a stranger. He looked her over, looking confused and even a small bit annoyed. "Hi.." He mumbled, continuing to do his thing. He open up the gray door to the back seat, leaning in to dig through a black duffle bag.

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