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A girl stood at the edge of the woods by her home. A voice beckoned for her to walk in, barefoot and in the dead of night. The girl, only being ten, went in, not knowing it could lead to her demise.

For the past few months, children around her age have gone missing. They are either found mutilated in woods, specifically the park Rosswood Park, or just never seen again, all trace of them gone. The culprit of these crimes has not been found, the town being a feeding ground for them or, to be more accurate, it.

The girl cautiously walked deeper into the woods, hugging her bright white cat stuffed animal close to her. She was scared, but her adventurous, brave nature made her keep on, despite the noises of the night sounding more surreal than usual and the twigs and rocks in the dirt sticking in her feet.

Her vision soon started to blur and get fuzzy the further she delved on, but the urge got louder and louder until eventually scream at her to keep going. Static faintly buzzed in her ears, the unnaturalness freaking the poor child out.

She wanted to turn back, and as soon as she turned around, something thick grabbed her, the static shooting to unbearable volumes. She screamed out at the top of her lungs, yet it did nothing.

She dropped her cat, leaving the white thing on the dirty ground as she was dragged away.

A few days later, her body was found impaled on a sharp tree branch at the entrance of Rosswood Park. There was obvious signs of sexual abuse on her body, as well as plain physical abuse. She was covered in bruises, almost completely covering up her pale skin. Her eyes were gouged out, her tongue cut out as well.

The autopsy proved the sexual abuse to have actually happened, identifying a strange black coating inside of her. Her ear drums had been stabbed, almost reaching her brain. Her skull had been bashed in at the back, shards of her skull stabbed inside her brain.

It was horrifying. To think of the torture a young child went through.

It was a disgusting, sadistic creature.

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