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(y/n) was asleep in the car, leaning on Tim's shoulder, hugging his arm. He didn't mind though. He actually thought it was fairly nice.

A few more weeks have passed, the same old, same old happening. Nightmares, travelling, and all that jazz. They had to get another car also, one that was a bit better looking. So that was nice and new.

There were nearly at Michigan, maybe needing another day or two of driving.

A large bump woke (y/n) up, her eyes slowly opening to look up at Tim who was kindly staring down at her with a soft smile, eyes filled with some emotion she couldn't place. "Hi?" She mumbled, snuggling closer to him, still looking up at him. "So you're up now?" She slowly nodded.

"Hey, Brian, get a motel. It's late," Tim told Brian, whom was driving and also responded with a, "yes sir!"

The tired woman looked out the window to see the sky painted with reds and oranges, pinks and violets, turning the white clouds to beautiful colors. The dark blue night sky was invading the colorful canvas. It was definitely late, almost fully night time.

It took a while before they found a cheap enough place to stay at. It seems this was a rich town. It also seems (Y/n) would have to help pay with her shit ton of money.

They parked close to the entrance of the parking lot, Brian being the one to go get the room like he usually does. Tim crawled out of the car much to (y/n)'s whining displeasure. He then picked her up out of the car, carrying the tired female in his arms as he went to the door to inside the hotel lobby, waiting on Brian with the woman.

She stayed snuggled up to the older man, loving his scent and the warmth he gave off. Brian soon came back, silently motioning for Tim to follow him to the room, twirling the key on his finger. He followed, keeping the sleeping beauty in his arms close to him.

As Brian unlocked the door, (y/n) was in deep slumber. Not much could wake her at that point. As soon as he was in, Tim laid the sleeper on a bed. This room had two beds, a big change from what they usually get.

(Y/n) seemed as if peaceful, yet her dream was far from it.

She was treading through murky waters, wary of snakes or bugs that could kill her while trying to go as fast as she could. Something was after her.

She gripped tightly her pistol with both hand, on alert and paranoid. She soon made it to land, to which she responded by running top speed, not daring to look behind her. She knew what could happen.

Clicking and cracking at a rapid tone followed her, along with leaves and branches crunching and snapping. The thing chasing her was deformed, disgusting, and large. It was like a black bear, but without fur, decaying, abuse, and half eaten with its own flesh hanging from its teeth. It was bloodied and blood thirsty.

(Y/n) kept running, exhausted by adrenaline and the will to live pushing her past her limits. At a few points, she turned around. Running backwards, she shot at the animal, making it jerk more in its disturbing, twitching, jerking movements. It was a horrifying thing.

When bullets proved to not harm it, she gave up shooting it. She'd have to loose it.

She tried to run faster. This time, she made multiple turns, trying to loose the deformed thing over each turn. Eventually, she believed she did. She no longer heard the noises of its horrible running.

She slowly slowed until stopping, gasping for air. She nearly fell in the soft, rich dirt from exhaustion. She was able to still stand, legs burning and aching. Her arm stung from the large gash the animal gave her with its claws.

She would probably get an infection, god knowing what could be on those claws, or in the air, or anything around her, even her.

Then, something wrapped around her foot, making her scream loudly at the top of her lungs. She was dragged down to the ground, harshly falling with a slam. She screamed and tried her hardest to fight, even trying to shoot at what was holding her. It was long, black, and looked slimy. When shot, a gross, black goop oozed out of the bullet hole.

She was dragged for a while until being swung up, being held upside down in the air. Static crowded her mind, louder than the crickets or bugs, louder than her own thoughts.

Then, it was there, right in front of her.

Right before she blacked out, she shot at it. Three times. All with a loud, shrilling battle cry.

Her last image was the operator hunched over some, bleeding the same black good in large amounts.

She bursted awake, eyes wide open and wide awake. She panted for air, covered in sweat and aching. She felt like she ran twenty marathons in one go, which she may have in that dream.

"(Y/n)!" Tim quickly hugged her as she was obviously awake. She must have been screaming again. "Tim... Tim, I'm okay," She mumbled weakly, hugging back. She was still scared for her life, paranoid beyond all degrees. That would probably stay with her though so might as well get used to it.

"You were screaming so loud... I was worried they would call the police..." Brian added his comment, watching her with worried eyes.

"You sounded so scared... So pained... It scared me," Tim mumbled into her shoulder, seeming as if he was more affected by just your screams than you were by the entire dream. "Well, I'm fine, okay? Don't worry, Timmy..." She giggled some, forcing the nickname to ease the atmosphere and try to add more humor to a grim time.

Tim sighed as he pulled away and let her sit up, sitting on the bed beside her. Brian was now sitting on the separate bed.

"You sure you're okay, though?" Brian asked the woman who was now squirming in her slightly damp clothes. She nodded.

"Yeah. It's just a nightmare, what damage could it have truly done to me?" She smiled, staying strong because she was. She was likely to be stronger than both of the men in the room with her. Mentally and emotionally, that is.

Little did she know, what she did was now coming to stab her back even harder.

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