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It took practically the whole day to get back to the town, the sun setting once they got a car from a drug store at the edge of the town. From then, they found a hotel, different from the one they stayed in before. It was late, and of course everyone was exhausted after walking the distance they did. Sleep was a desire they all had for sure.

(Y/n) sat on the bed with Sarah, making sure she knew exactly how to take care of her gun while also just talking with her. (Y/n) would have to admit it was nice to have another girl around, even if they weren't similar by much. Tim was watching the small T.V. and Brian was bugging him, wanting his attention about some random thing.

"Tim, you little shit.. Answer me!" Brian quietly pushed on, nudging Tim. The dark haired man was obviously getting irritated, turning his head to look at the other with a look of annoyed distaste. Aware he had his attention now, Brian started.

"How do you really start being a... Thing with (y/n)?" He asked, Tim sighing in response. Glancing over at the girl mentioned, he bluntly said, "sex." Brian basically face-palmed at his answer. "That isn't going to help at all..."

"What? Are you tryna' start something with Sarah?" Tim inquired with a small smirk. Brian was quiet for a moment. "Maybe," He then answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"I get it, she's cute, but would she really work for you?" Tim had to ask, casting a look to Sarah, who was petite and not that strong looking. She didn't really seem like someone Brian specifically could get with in any sort of way. Brian sighed, shaking his head.

"I... I don't know," he mumbled, gaining a small smile from Tim. "Look, just shoot your shot of being you. Seems like she already likes that, 'cause look," He motioned slyly to the girls on the couch, who both were looking at the two boys on the floor. Sarah looking at Brian, (y/n) at Tim.

When Brian looked, Sarah turned red and quickly looked away. (Y/n) merely just smirked at Tim and then went back to teaching Sarah. "She has a thing for you man, so keep up doing you and you got her," Tim confirmed, making Brian smile.

"Alright... Yeah, okay," Brian ran a hand through his sandy hair while letting out a small sigh. The two boys continued to talk after that, holding a normal conversation.

At this moment in time, everything seemed normal. It was just four friends hanging out. If only it was that happy and simple.

Swinging her legs off the bed, (y/n) stood and stretched. "I, for one, want food. So who votes for Mexican?" She said, raising her hand. Sarah and Brian both raised their hands, Brian cheering softly.

"You all can go ahead and destroy your asses," Tim mumbled, but (y/n) picked up on it. "Oh Timmy-boy, didn't you say before you wished I could peg you? We all know you like your ass being destroyed," She joked with a smirk and a wink at him, his response just being to groan while Brian laughed loudly.

"Alright, let's go!" (Y/n) practically yelled as she pulled Sarah to her feet.

The restaurant was small with not many people inside, which was perfect. The group got a both, Tim and (y/n) on one side and Brian and Sarah on the other. The waitress, a cute blonde with bright hazel eyes, was flirting with both (y/n) and Brian, oddly enough, every time she came around. Brian just smiled and brushed her off. (Y/n), on the other hand...

She managed to get away tossing dirty innuendos all over to the waitress, who returned them her own way. She has definitely having fun with this, and the rest just watched with amusement. Though Tim did speak up when the waitress, Hannah, was gone.

Leaning to her ear, he whispered, "if you told me you liked girls, we could have involved one sooner, you know." To that, (y/n) smirked. "Oh? But I want to be the only one to make you moan," She countered, looking him straight in the eye with her (e/c) ones. He returned her smirk. "Keep talking and we'll have to make a visit to the bathroom."

"I doubt you could keep quiet while with me, but go ahead..." She paused for a second before adding, "Daddy~" The name made him choke on the drink he was sipping.

Brian laughed at the two, shaking his head. Sarah, who was blushing from hearing all they said, shook her head too. "You two... Disgusting," she joked, making (y/n) look over. "Think about what you told me about Brian, then speak." Sarah squeaked from embarrassment at that statement.

Brian curiously looked at Sarah then at (y/n), the latter merely just shrugging with an amused smile. Soon, Hannah was back with their food. "Here's your meal!" Her voice was sweet, soft and cute.

"I wish I could add another treat to this... However I don't think that would be proper here," (y/n) spoke up, winking at Hannah when she looked over. Hannah smirked slightly. "Proper is merely a social construct, you know~" She responded before walking off.

"...Fuck, I am so gay," (y/n) mumbled under her breath, watching Hannah's ass. Even though she highly preferred guys, sometimes a girl would come along and she couldn't deny the fact that, damn, she wanted her to sit on her face.

As they ate, they somehow ended up playing smash or pass, including everyone possible. Now, it was (y/n)'s turn to ask. "Brian, Smash or pass... Tim?" She chose him last second, genuinely curious. Brian scoffed.

"Smashed before, and honestly, would so do again," he confidently said, earning a squeal from the girl who asked. "Oh... My... God... You two... You fucked?!" She was at a mild shock.

Tim shrugged with a nod. "Yeah. I was curious, we were both tipsy, and we both had massive dry streaks due to being on the run," he explained casually.

"So... Brian is... Bi?" Sarah spoke up with a question. Brian nodded. "Yep. Like that fish and that sausage!" Everyone was disgraced at that analogy. "And Tim?"

Tim shook his head. "Nah. Straight man here. Guys aren't really my thing, I've decided." (Y/n) sighed. "Brian and Tim have fucked... I'm shocked... And I honestly wanna see it happen again like oh boy..." Tim laughed at her words.

"Don't hope for it, doll," he said as he took a bite of his food.

It was long after that when they finished and got the check. Apparently, (y/n) flirting was a great tactic to get a discount on their check and the number to a hot ass girl. Hannah took care of a quarter of the check, shockingly. (Y/n) was going to make sure she made it up to her before they left town.

The sun was setting when they were back at the hotel. They were all tired, specifically because the meals they had were large. (Y/n) and Tim shared the bed, cuddling together a while after falling asleep. Sarah got the pull out couch while Brian slept on the floor beside it. She had objected, wanting him to have the couch, however ended up loosing.

(Y/n)'s dream was everything but normal.

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