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Banging on the car woke up (y/n), and the sight she was met with was certainly shocking. Three men were at the car, one holding a gun up towards her group, whom were all still asleep. As she sat up, she held her hands up. She had her gun, yeah, but she would rather not take that chance right now.

His attention was directed to her now, gun aimed straight at her head. He motioned for her to get out of the car, to which she slowly complied, unable to hide the gun tucked in her waistband as she got out. "What... What do you want?" She asked, mostly talking to the guy with a gun.

"We need this car, and maybe a little 'toy' for us," The guy to his left spoke up, casting dirty looks at both (y/n) and Sarah, who was now slowly waking up. The man with the gun quickly moved to grab the gun (y/n) possessed, now having noticed.

"Look, this car is broken down. We were just in it for the night 'cause of the rain. We planned to ditch it once we woke," (y/n) struggled to explain, but soon after she finished, a scream erupted behind her. Obviously, it was Sarah.

The scream woke Brian and Tim immediately, who turned behind them to see Sarah there, alarmed, and (y/n) missing. "Control this!" The gunman yelled, giving (y/n)'s gun to a man who aimed at the car as the (h/c) girl was dragged away from the car, held close to the gunman by her arm.

"Out of the car, slowly!" The other man yelled out, the message clear to the trio left in the car. They all got out slowly and peacefully. "Away from the car, to the woods. We're taking the car, and this pretty thing here," He gestured to (y/n) and she easily noticed the rage burning in Tim, and the terror from Sarah, and the mix of both from Brian.

"I told you, the car doesn't work!" (Y/n) loudly spoke up, only to get a chuckle from the man holding her. "Sure, sweetheart." With that, she clenched her jaw, waiting as the other gunman went slowly to the car. When as far away as he could be, back practically completely turned to them, she took action. She swung herself around, grabbing the man's gun while kneeing him in the crotch.

She jumped back away from him, aiming at him for a second before shooting him right in the head. She then shot the other immediately after as the last on turned around. They both had their guns trained on each other.

"Impressive..." He mumbled, clearly amused and shocked. (Y/n) was cold to him. "Put the gun down," she spoke plainly with the seeming authority and strength of possibly a FBI agent. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he let out a sound, he was grabbed by the neck from behind, shooting up in the sky.

Taking her chance, she quickly shot him, hitting him in the chest, mostly likely near or in his heart. He fell down to the ground, showing a shocking sight. It was Sarah that attacked him, giving (y/n) the chance to kill him. Sarah, the small shy girl who usually disliked confrontation.

"You okay?" The redhead asked the armed girl who merely just nodded. Tim ran up to her, obviously worried. "You're fine right? Nothing happened to you?"

(Y/n) chuckled with a nod. "I'm fine, Timmy-boy. Don't worry," she smiled, making him smile back. "Good."

She tucked the gun she stole in her waistband, honestly preferring it to the policeman's gun she used to have. She checked the guys, getting a small amount of money and a good bit of ammo. When she grabbed her old gun, she looked at Sarah.

"Hey, Sarah, you know how to shoot?" She asked, now standing back up, gun in hand. "Uh, yeah? Why?" (Y/n) motioned for her to come to her.

"Here," She handed the gun to her. Sarah was a bit surprised and concerned at this, tilting her head at (y/n). "You can't fight well, obviously, but I bet you're an amazing shot, huh? Brian and Tim, they can fight, but you... You need a different defense. So you get the gun," (y/n) answered her unspoken question, earning a nod from Sarah.

"Just don't go shooting one of us, got it?" (Y/n) jokingly added with a smile, making Sarah laugh some. "I can only try," she joked back.

Brian and Tim walked up to the girls, apparently having a plan. "We head back to the town we were already in, considering it being closer. Then we find a car and continue on," Tim told them. "Simple enough," (y/n) shrugged with a faint smile.

"Let's get going then," Sarah spoke up, tossing her bag over her shoulders and tucking and hiding her gun in her jeans waistband. (Y/n) grabbed her bag from the trunk of the car as Brian and Tim did the same.

"Let's hope it's not too long of a walk..." Brian mumbled to himself, taking the lead and having the rest follow him. This was bound to be incredibly tiring and boring.

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