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(y/n) woke up in a wooded area, at the edge of it. She saw a sign that read "Rosswood Park."

She was all the way back to Alabama.

She was confused, anxious, and scared, suffering from her extreme paranoia and a pounding migraine. She heard static, and something subconsciously telling her to walk deeper in the woods. She did as she felt she should. She walked deeper inside.

It was a public place, what's the worse that could happen?

The sun was setting, she was being chased by some weird ass creature, and weird shit was happening to her. Yeah, nothing could happen.

She pulled her gun out from a waistband, cocking it and staying alert. This oddly was so much like her nightmares. It disturbed her.

She trudged on through the woods, soon loosing the path in the dark. She could barely see what was in front of her after a few minutes, making her anxiety shoot up like a rocket. She so badly wished she had a flashlight.

She kept on, trying not to turn so much and stay straight as to be able to find her way out. She soon regretted coming out here, but again, she felt she had to and has never had good impulse control either. The sounds of bugs and birds kept making her jump and turn. She was too paranoid for this.

Her paranoia was not a good sign if this high.

It took a while before the moonlight gave enough for her to see somewhat what was around her. She praised the gods for the small amount of light given to her, even if the trees dimmed it and made some places invisible to her eyes. Then, she heard leaves crackling behind her, making her turn in a second, gun aimed up, ready to shoot.

It was just a cat, a pure white on with glowing blue eyes. She sighed, laughing some at herself. "It's just a cat..." She mumbled as she knelt down. "Come here, pretty kitty," She called for the cat to come to her, and after hesitating, it slowly did.

It looked like a girl, and when (y/n) checked, she was. "Such a pretty cat..." She softly spoke to it, petting its ears, hearing it loudly purr. The animal became attached to her quickly, and (y/n) did the same.

Static suddenly filled her ears, destroying the pleasant moment. She looked up, the sight making her jolt up, startling the cat. It was there, only a few yards away. She aimed directly at its head, shooting. She saw the bullet phase through it.

"What..." She mumbled, getting ready to shoot again. Just before she did, it was right in front of her, her nose almost touching it. She looked up, the blank white face being the last thing she saw before blacking out.

She opened her eyes to a familiar forest. She was back at her nightmare place. As she sat up, she instinctively moved to grab the gun beside her. She noticed a cabin only a few feet away, the door wide open and it looking deserted.

Standing up, she decided to check it out. Maybe she'd find something important. Cocking her gun and keeping her hands tightly on it to be ready to shoot, she walked to it.

She peered in, seeing she was right in assuming it was empty. It looked like no one had been there for months. Tattered cloths scattered the wooden floor, a small cot in the corner of the front room, and a few different dressers and drawers, some open and some shut.

She cautiously stepped in, wary as she walked to the drawers closest to the door. The bottom one was open, showing a stack of photos. She picked up half the stack, looking through them.

The first was of a few children, a shadow of a tall figure in the background. Then, the same children with the shadow closer. Then closer, and closer with each photo until eventually it was clearly there, no-faced and slender, standing right beside a kid who had an eerie, disturbing grin on her face. The kid oddly looked like her, (y/n) noticed.

She continued on, finding pictures of a single kid in each one, terror filled expressions on their young faces, replacing the bored or happy ones they had in the older photos. She picked up the next stack, not ready for what was in it.

The kids were hung up on trees, mutilated beyond degree, making them hardly recognizable. One was an older girl, light hair now splattered with blood and matted from dirt and the struggle to live. She was split open from the chest to the crotch, fully nude, her organs spilling out. Her chest and legs were covered in unnatural bruises, and then a slow realization came to her. This girl, maybe only twelve or thirteen, had been horribly sexually abused by that monster. She saw the next photo, a younger boy with just boxers on, neck gashed out and chest crushed in as if bashed in with a sledge hammer.

She saw the next photo, then the next. She looked through them all with horror. Some were sexually abused, she could tell. Some were kept alive to slowly die for horrors. The worse thing was, they were alive with the photos were taken.

Then, she saw that one girl again, the one that resembled her. She was grinning sadistically, holding the hand of the monster, three tendrils erupting from its hunched back. One was sliding up the leg of the girl, to which the girl didn't seem to mind, maybe even enjoying it. She looked maybe thirteen, the same age as the first girl in the stack being mutilated.

Something about that one picture set her off. She threw the photos down, letting them scatter on the floor. She ignored them as she quickly rushed outside, vomiting stomach acids and dry heaving. She had nothing to puke up after days of apparently not eating.

(Y/n) slowly calmed down from her spell, wiping her mouth with her tanktop. She wanted away from that cabin. When she looked back in, she noticed the blood and cum stains on the cot, the blood splatters on the floor and walls, and the tiny bits of flesh left laying around on the ground. She did not want back in there at all.

She shook her head, turning away from the cabin and heading out into the woods, away from any shelter. As she was walking, something grabbed onto her.

The thing swirled her around. It was a man, disgusting and perverted looking, his skin somewhat winkled and scarred, eyes a milky gray as if he was blind. "Oooh, fuck yes, flesh blood," His voice was rough, sounding as if he took a cheese grater to his vocal cords. His eyes trailed over her body, and soon he grabbed her tightly, throwing her over his shoulder. He looked weak, but was strong.

"So full, so fucking hot. You'll be perfect," was what he said as he took her up, taking her back to that cursed cabin. She screamed at the top of her lungs, hitting him hard in the head with the but of her gun. He flinched and weakened his grip, (y/n) taking this moment to get away from him.

She swung her legs back then forward, aiming directly for his gut. He doubled over as she fell out of his arms on her feet. She raised her gun, aiming at his head. "Fucking worthless piece of shit," She mumbled just as the man looked up, soon standing up straight, with a wicked grin on his face.

"Go ahead, shoot me."

That sentence made her hesitate, but just as he started to move, she pulled the trigger. His body fell back, falling to the ground with a thud.

"So! You have to send henchmen to fuck with me! Come on, Mr. Skinny Dick! Come at me yourself!" She screamed into the abyss of trees and brush.

The static came back to her, loud and deafening, almost disguising the loud crunch and crack behind her, making the feel of smooth, dry tendrils on her arms not as shocking. In fear, she dropped her gun as she was swung up by the things, hanging in the air before being turned around.

Now she wished she hadn't said anything.

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