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Weeks have passed since (Y/n) joined Tim and Brian's run. They jumped from hotel to hotel, town to town, never staying in the same place for longer than five days usually. It was a bit tiring, but it was necessary.

None of them wanted to die. Not yet.

As for (Y/n), nightmares had gotten worse. It seemed the main way it fucked with her was like that. For Brian, it was mostly just a few nightmares and just tremendous paranoia and fear. For Tim, it was taking control of him, making him black out, mild to severe amnesia, and moderate paranoia. All of them suffered from brain shattering migraines.

Currently, they were in a diner early in the morning. Tim just had a coffee with some creamer, Brian with plain eggs and bacon, sweet tea to drink. Then there was (y/n). She had a small stack of waffles with sweet honey and butter over them, as well a few scrambled eggs, strips of bacon, two sausage and biscuits, and a sweetened green tea to drink.

"That's going to cost so much..." Brian commented on her order as the food came in. "I still have plenty of money, so shush," the woman countered with a huff before starting to eat.

That's right. (Y/n) was somewhat rich and brought almost all her money with her.

It didn't take long before (Y/n) had finished her food. It took her around the same time it took Brian to finish eating. She was fast, that's for sure.

"Y'know, Mississippi isn't much different than Alabama," Tim commented, looking around. "They're twin states, what do you expect?" The younger woman sitting beside him scoffed like a complete smart ass. Tim merely just rolled his eyes as Brian chuckled at them. "You two would be a nice couple, y'know?" He made his quick comment.

(Y/n) smiled as she looked over at Tim. "Oooh, hear that, Timmy? Brian thinks we should date!" She said childishly. Tim shook his head. "Not a chance, doll," he faintly smirked, his response making the (h/c) haired woman huff and pout.

"How mean! Brian, console me!" She jokingly was over dramatic as she scooted around the booth to the brunette male. "Poor thing. Don't you see how you hurt the girl so?" Brian wrapped his arms around a fake crying (y/n), both of them smiling and laughing some.

"Oh, shut the fuck up," Tim gave another eye roll, taking a sip of coffee with an expression that he was already tired of their bullshit today.

The woman stuck her tongue out at the dark haired man with a silly smile, staying leaned up against Brian with his arms around her.

"Anyways, where should we head next? We've been here for three days..." Brian spoke up. "I vote up north!" (Y/n) quickly bubbled up.

Both seemed to think about it. Mostly, they stayed around the southern states, hardly ever venturing up to the colder area. Maybe it would through it off.

"Alright. How about we make our way to Michigan? Then we could plan our next move," Tim suggested, (Y/n) nodding in agreement and then Brian doing the same. "We need to get going now, anyways. So let's go!" (Y/n) said, full of hyper energy, seeming eager to get away from the South.

The others nodded, Tim going to pay the check with some of (y/n)'s money, Brian getting out of the booth with (y/n) and heading out to the car.

They ended up switching cars, stealing a bright red Malibu from someone in Philadelphia. It was covered in mud and dust, definitely needing a cleaning. It was unappealing to many degrees, but it drove good and got the job done.

Tim soon walked out, unlocking the car with the keys they'd been lucky enough to snatch. They all climbed in, the two men in the front seats, Tim driving and Brian just being lazy, and (y/n) sprawled out in the back seat, being lazy herself.

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