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The soft tapping of sprinkling rain hitting the car was calming and peaceful, but considering the situation the group had found themselves in, life was anything but. It was thirty minutes ago when the car, which seemed in good shape when stolen, broke down on the side of the road. Even more unlucky for them, not many people drove down this road.

Sarah and (y/n) stayed in the car, told to relax while Tim and Brian attempted to take care of the issue. Neither of the girls objected, considering how they knew nothing about cars except how to drive them. Then again, it soon came to show that the guys didn't have too much of a clue either. However, they still kept with the task to try to fix the damned broken car.

(Y/n) and Sarah shared the backseat, (y/n) leaning against the door, her hand that held her cigarette partly hanging out the window so the smoke wouldn't annoyingly stay in the car. Sarah was on her other side, her legs kicked up to rest between the two front seats, Sophia resting on her lap. It was god knows how boring.

Sarah let out a loud sigh, throwing her head back in annoyance. "Was that because it's as boring as high school history class with a substitute teacher here?" (Y/n) asked, a small smile on her face from her own comment. Sarah laughed softly as she nodded.

"I'd rather have that than this, to be honest," she chuckled, shaking her head, the ball of bright red on her head shaking, a few strands falling out of the messiness. Both girls sat smiling for a small moment. That small bit of conversation eased the boredom for a while, making both girls want to start talking again. However, they didn't have much in common, as they learned in earlier times.

"So... I didn't want to ask, in case it was too intrusive, but..." Sarah paused as (y/n) looked over with a look of interest on her face. "Are... Are you and Tim a... Thing? Or something?" She was shy with asking and it was something that amused (y/n).

With a small smile, she shook her head. "We're just friends, technically. I mean, yeah, I love him, and yeah, he knows, and yeah, he loves me too but won't admit it, not even to himself, but honestly it doesn't matter too much. Fuck buddies is chill to me. As long as I'm with him, it's fine," She answered with a small laugh. She then glanced over to see Brian beside the car, trying to give pointers to Tim, who did most of the work at the current moment.

"Oh, well. Can I just say that you two honestly would make the best couple? From what I've seen, you two are definitely made for each other," Sarah responded with a kind smile that (y/n) returned.

"So, what about you and Brian?" (Y/n) then asked with a smirk on her face. Sarah's face turned almost as red as her hair. "I- uh- what?" She squeaked out, embarrassed. (Y/n) softly laughed.

"Do you like him? I mean, it's a bit obvious if you do, but..." She pushed, to which Sarah just grew redder. "It is? Like, how obvious is it?" She shyly questioned, wanting to exactly how and if Brian could possibly know.

(Y/n) shrugged with a chuckle. "Not horribly so. It's just noticeable with the small blush you get when he talks, how you stare at him some, but hey, guess what?" Sarah tilted her head, her expression saying what for her.

"Our boys are dumb and oblivious. They act confident and smart, but oh honey, the smart isn't true. Not at least when it comes to romance or anything like that," She spoke with a smile, earning a laugh from Sarah. "Also, Brian so has a thing for you too," (y/n) added.

"Really? You think so?" (Y/n) nodded. "For sure. Try making some moves," She then glanced around and leaned closer to Sarah. "And he loves the innocent, sweet girl attitude. Makes him feel dominant," She added with a quick wink, making Sarah's blush quickly turn back to a burning red.

Leaning back against the car door, (y/n) laughed. "But you definitely have a chance, so go ahead and try, okay?" Sarah nodded, mumbling an okay just as the two front doors opened.

The boys got in the car, looking a bit tired and annoyed, but also relieved. "Got the car fixed?" Brian sighed, shrugging. "Let's see and you'll have your answer," He said as he tried to crank the car on. It seemed almost like it was going to start, but it died just before. The next two tries end up the same.

The two guys groaned in annoyance. "Fuck it, it's a loss cause." Tim said, Brian only agreeing.

(Y/n) shook her head with a sigh. "So, what are we going to do?" Sarah spoke up, asking the question everyone was unsure of the answer. "I'd say walk, but it could start pouring rain..." Brian said his idea. "Maybe we just rest here in the car, then start in the morning?" (Y/n) suggested, and everyone turned to that, not knowing any better ideas.

It took a while for anyone to actually sleep. Cars aren't to comfortable to sleep in, you know. Sarah and (y/n) tried their best to give each other enough room to be even a little bit comfortable. Eventually, everyone was asleep and everything was fine.

It wasn't until they were woken up that chaos broke out.

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