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(y/n) was out for hours before Tim and Brian saw her again. In that time, the two men tried to figure a plan. Sarah's sudden thievery and departure definitely set them back a lot. While they did that, (y/n) was focused on keeping herself calm and collecting up things they needed.

She got the keys off a guy and stole his car, which was an okay car, and then went around to sneak money from people. She may have also robbed a store for food, money, and ammo. So they'd have to leave town very quickly. However, she got more than plenty to do them well for a while.

Brian and Tim were outside when (y/n) drove up, shocked at the sight of her with a new car. She climbed out and tossed the keys to Brian. "We're leaving, now. I got plenty of food and money for a few weeks, maybe two or three, and the gas tank is full," she told them, expecting them to hop on and for them all to leave.

However, that wasn't the case.

The two men stood there, exchanging glanced between them. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Cops are probably looking for me, we need to go, now." Her voice was laced with urgency.

"What did you do?" Tim finally spoke, (y/n) shaking her head in reply. "I'll tell you when we are far enough away and not running the risk of being arrested."

Brian sighed, making his way to the car. "Well, let's go then. There's no use staying here anyways," he said as he climbed in the driver's seat, starting up the car. Tim climbed in the back, noticing a new duffle bag that seemed completely stuffed. (Y/n) climbed in beside him with a faint smile.

"That's everything I got, which honestly, it's a lot."

Tim looked over at her, returning a smile that wasn't entirely sincere. "Good job."

The air as they drove was tense, which the things (y/n) said earlier could be at blame for that. However, she wasn't going to apologize. She may have been pissed, but she still stands by her words.

No matter how harsh they may be.

The sun was setting when they stopped at a diner a few towns over. They were all tired, stressed, and hungry. They needed, and wanted, a short break.

Sat at a booth, (y/n) stared blankly at the menu for a moment. She was so tired she could barely process the words and numbers on the menu. "Hey, you good?" Tim asked her, mildly worried. She blinked some out of her daze and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," she mumbled as she figured out her order. The other two in the group gave their orders normally, but (y/n) was quite slow and less confident acting compared to usual. Of course, this could be pinned on her being tired.

As they waited, Brian spoke up. "What did you do to get all of the shit?" (Y/n) shrugged in response, like her answer would be nothing significant.

"Stole a car, and robbed a gun store. Took all their money, and ammo for my gun. I may have ended up shooting everyone in the store, too, just to cover up my tracks." She seemed so nonchalant with the answer, and while they were all used to violence and death by now, at least Tim and Brian stayed a bit squirmy about it all. (Y/n), however, was calm and fine with it all from the very beginning. It was definitely a bit worrisome.

Though, there was one thing about it all that showed she was a little off put from what she did. She ran into someone she wished she hadn't.

"How many people?" Tim had to ask. They always kept up with casualties.

"Five. Two men that worked there, a male shopper, and a woman." Tim eyed her with that answer.

"That's only four."

"Oh, there... There was a teenage boy, too." She seemed upset with those words. Brian and Tim deduced that she may have known him before this life.

They stayed solemnly quiet as the waiter brought their order to them. (Y/n) ate quietly, and the other two did as well. There was an uneasy air over the trio.

As they left the diner, Brian stayed back a bit to use the bathroom, while (y/n) and Tim stood by the car and waited. Tim took this opportunity to talk to (y/n) more about what happened.

"You knew that boy, didn't you?" When he asked that, she stayed quiet for a moment, visibly upset. Then, she nodded.

"He was my little cousin. Always used to babysit him when he was nine. He kind of was like a little brother to me, if anything," she barely talked above a whisper. Tim had no words, and so she continued.

"He didn't recognize me. Which i guess is good. I wouldn't want him knowing it was his favorite cousin (y/n) being the one to end his life after disappearing for three years. It's so much better he didn't know it was me.

"His mother would be so upset. God, I'm sorry, Aunt Net, I didn't want to, but we have to do things to survive. But hell, that's no fucking excuse. I killed my baby cousin, when he was only eighteen. He didn't even get to have much of a fucking life." She sounded aggravated with herself, which is justified. Who would be calm when killing someone so close to them.

Tim was about to say something as Brian finally walked up. Not wanting to share it all with Brian, knowing (y/n) may not be comfortable, he settled with just squeezing her hand to help her. She smiled softly at him.

"I love you," she softly said before climbing in the car after Brian. Tim could only softly smile back as he took his seat beside her.

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