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The dream, or well nightmare, started normally. She was in the woods, a different outfit on her and a gun in her pants. The atmosphere was different though. It was calm, and pleasant, contrasting greatly with the typical fog of dread and fear that this realm held.

With a small sigh, (y/n) drew her gun as she started walking. If she learned anything, she knew you couldn't ever be too cautious, at least not here. She walked for a long time before anything happened, but she wasn't going to complain. The less action, the less horrible in her views and experiences. She hoped this would stay calm, yet she for sure knew better than that.

Maybe an hour in of exploring, having found a small shed with a decaying and mushy decapitated child in it and a few people hanging from trees, was when she finally found something odd. A shadowy figure in the distance, small but obviously from a grown woman. She was standing there, completely still. She gave off an extremely eerie aura. Everything screamed stay away. Everything screamed to run.

(Y/n), ignoring her instinct and leaning more for her curiosity, cautiously approached, cocking her gun and being ready to shoot if needed. "Hello?" She called out, her voice seeming to echo with the crunching steps she took. The dreadful, paranoid atmosphere was back and it seemed to get worse as she got closer to the woman. Her vision started to fog up and suddenly static started buzzing at deafening volumes in her ears.

It was there, right beside the girl. (Y/n) lost her balance, falling down to her knees. She was too light headed to manage to get up. That was when the odd woman started walking, keeping herself poised with a walk fit for a Queen.

First, (y/n) made out long, bright fire red hair. It was so familiar to her. So god damned familiar. However she couldn't place it. She couldn't see the woman's face clearly, as if she had a fog obscuring it from other's views.

Glowing green eyes stood out from the fog.

The woman, dressed in a gold silk gown, knelt down to (y/n) who was stuck kneeling in the dirt. "You all will die, you know. He can't be beaten," she whispered to her, her voice even familiar to the ground-bound girl. "What?" She mumbled as the woman stood back up.

She looked behind her to motion to the operator. Just then, (y/n) was awake, sitting straight up in the stiff hotel bed, Tim sleeping peacefully beside her. She glanced over to Sarah, who was fast asleep as well.

That's when it hit her.

That woman was Sarah.

(Y/n) was up for the rest of the night, watching the TV with the volume low. She didn't mind the frequent static interruptions before, but after that dream, she was paranoid with Sarah being with them. She debated telling them what she saw, but Brian would tell Sarah about it, or jump to defend her. Sarah, who knows what she'd do if she knew.

The only one she could tell was Tim, and even that made her uncertain as all hell. So she decided to keep it to herself, and keep an eye on Sarah. Now, (y/n) was regretting giving her the old gun.

Soon enough, the others woke up. When Sarah's prominent green eyes opened, it was confirmed that it was her in (y/n)'s dream. This didn't help the dreading knot in her stomach and the dropping feel of no hope in her chest.

If Sarah did try anything, could (y/n) save them? She could only hope that she could. She didn't know what to expect from Sarah, not at all. Who knows what she could be capable of. Especially with a gun in her hands.

They talked for a while as they all woke up, no one being concerned about (y/n) already being up. Her not sleeping was a bit of the norm. When they decided to leave, thinking of maybe stopping by a dinner before going off to the next town, (y/n) eyed the gun subtly kept in Sarah's waistband.

Tim seemed to notice (y/n)'s uneasiness, and before the two went in the car, he took her a distance from the car to question her. "What are you doing?" She asked, glancing at the car where Sarah and Brian chatted away.

"What's up with you? You're eying Sarah like she killed someone and you seem way to uneasy!" He pushed, his face showing worry and concern. (Y/n) sighed, hesitant to speak.

"It was just a dream, okay? It's nothing, but I'm a bit shaken. There's no need to worry, so come on," She made some excuse, turning on her heels to walk back to the car, leaving a detested Tim behind her. He knew that was the true or full story. Yet he trusted her enough to not push too much. Everything will be fine.


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