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Sarah tapped her foot in impatience as she and Tim waited on (Y/n) and Brian to hurry up finding a good car for them. It isn't exactly sure to any of them why they split half to do the task and the other half to wait, but alas they did.

Tim, leaning against a tree, sighed, uncrossing his arms and letting them fall to his side. "Why do they have to take so long? It's irritating as fuck," Sarah complained, obviously having grown a lot more confident after the almost year she had been with this group. Tim shrugged. "Finding a car isn't the easiest thing, and then they have to decide which one won't break down on us," He came to their defense quickly.

"(Y/n)'s probably just being a whore, trying to get fun from some guy or maybe even Brian. She's definitely that type," She mumbled, making Tim growl at her and grab her by the neck, immediately pissed off by her words. "Talk shit about her like that, I'll beat you to a pulp and I'm sure no one will mind either with the bitchy attitude you've been having," he threatened her before letting go and stepping back.

Sarah merely rolled her eyes. "Sure, sure... Asshole," She sighed, running a hand through her pixie cut styled hair. Tim glared, about to say more before a dark violet car stopped beside them. Stepping out of the driver's seat was (y/n) smiling. "The fucker I killed has a pretty damn nice car, huh?" She said with amusement laced in her voice.

"About time..." Sarah mumbled under her voice, (y/n) picking up on it as Brian got out of the car himself now and went over to Sarah. "So, anyone know our next move?" Brian asked, wrapping an arm around Sarah's waist. Apparently, they just had to become a thing a while ago.

"Well, since our unhinged pretty little thing here called (y/n) killed a man, we need to get as far away from here as we can," Sarah suggested, having attitude in her voice. "Aw, you think I'm pretty?" (Y/n) said with fake happiness and bitterness prominent in her voice. Being called unhinged was not her favorite thing.

Sarah just rolled her eyes. "I mean, that's logical, but we are all tired and need to rest.." Brian countered. "Well, what if we go to the next town over, rest for a while, then go on?" Tim offered up, (y/n) nodding.

"That would be best, in my opinion," she sided with him, Brian also nodding now. "Well, I guess that's what we'll do?" Everyone nodded and then pilled in the car, Sarah driving with Brian beside her and Tim and (y/n) in the back together.

(Y/n), at first, hated the idea of Sarah driving, and still does. The only thing, if she were to wreck, she'd be fucked to. That's the only thing that keeps her at least slightly okay with it. After that first dream, she kept showing up in the nightmares. (Y/n) really does not trust Sarah and would rather she die. However, Brian at least liked her, so she couldn't do anything much.

They found a cheap motel near the edge of the next town over. Sarah went to go get the room, leaving Brian, Tim, and (y/n) to wait by the car. They sat in silence for a moment before Tim spoke up.

"Sarah is being a massive bitch," He bluntly put it, not sugar-coating it at all. Brian looked over. "She's just stressed, but yeah she's being a bit bitchy..." He agreed, but also tried to excuse her actions, making both (y/n) and Tim roll their eyes.

"Yeah, just a bit bitchy is all... Totally," (y/n) sarcastically put it just as Sarah was walking up, ending the quick conversation. "Come on, it's room thirteen," She said, turning on her heels and motioning for us to follow.

When we got in the room, it wasn't long till everyone was asleep.

If only someone was a light sleeper.

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