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"Are you sure we have to do this?" Sarah spoke up, highly skeptical of the plan Tim and Brian had proposed to the girls. Tim nodded. "We need to sneak in the party, steal as much as we can, and try to get a key to a car as well. You girls have it easier. You can play with the drunk boys to take their shit," Tim said with a sigh following.

"I'm not whoring myself out to get money, asshole. But I will steal," Sarah crossed her arms over her chest, adjusting her stance. "I'll do either one just to make sure I get some tacos, man," (y/n) spoke up with a joking smile. Brian softly chuckled at her, Tim rolling his eyes with a smile, and Sarah being generally unamused.

"Okay, the party is at its prime now, so let's go. Just try not to make too much trouble, hm?" Brian instructed, looking at (y/n) when talking about the trouble part. She merely shrugged with a smile. "I can try!" She bounced before making her way to the large house filled with young adults destroying their minds, lungs, and livers with drugs and alcohol. "Meet back at twelve, got it?" Tim made sure they all knew the time as they followed (y/n).

The house reeked of beer, horniness, and weed. (Y/n) felt irritated by the lack of fresh air as she made her way into the crowd of teenagers and young adults. She started quickly to flirt with drunk guys and steal their keys and wallets. She was fairly successful with it all. They were all high and smashed, so yeah it was easy.

She came across a few people that were so drunk the blacked out, stealing what they had as well. She didn't care who they were, all she knew was that her group needed a car and money. It was with one guy she had a massive hang up with.

She was dancing with a tall blonde, hands running all over him with his doing the same to her. He seemed only 18 while she was now twenty-two, but again she didn't care. When she tried sneaking his wallet out, he grabbed her wrist. "Oh? Trying to take advantage of a drunk?" Well, maybe he wasn't as fucked up as she thought.

He stared down at her with a smirk. "I'll give you my money, you know, but you have to do something for me," he told her, and she had an idea this wasn't going to be good. She tried to tug her hand away, only for him to grip harder to her. He pressed her body against his as he started to drag her someplace different, most likely an empty bedroom. She struggled to get free from him, but it made no change.

She was screwed.

He lead her into an empty bedroom, pushing her harshly towards the bed as he locked the door behind him. "Let me get what I want, and I'll let you get what you want, okay?"

She growled, shaking her head. "Fuck off, asswipe! I'm not a fucking prostitute!" She yelled at him, earning a laugh. "Who's to say you have a choice?" He sadistically grinned at her. She quickly got herself up, ready to fight.

"Wow, you must be pretty lonely to rape a girl," she mumbled as he walked up to her. "It's an exchange, not rape. Anyways, you're the one stealing from drunk men," He said as he tried to grab her, only for her to duck and punch him in the gut hard enough for him to double over. Then she kneed him in the face. Then again. And again. And again.

She threw him to the ground with him still being conscious. "Wow, you got your ass handed to you by a small girl like me!" She laughed, making his bloodied face scowled at her. He then grabbed her ankle, yanking hard and making her fall on her ass with a loud thump.

He crawled on her, hitting her in the face a few times. They were a bit weak, but strong enough to give her a black eye and a split open lip. With a scream, (y/n) tucked her legs up under him and then kicked him off, sending him flying a good distance.

Getting up, she grabbed a knife from her boot, twirling it in her hand. "Fucking scum," she growled at the boy, who now seemed panicked. He knew he was going to die as he crawled back away from her, soon pressing against the door. "You better have enough worth killing for," she scowled as she stabbed him quickly in the neck, sliding it to slit his throat deeply. Blood pooled out around him, a spray of blood coming from the neck wound. It was pleasing to see, to (y/n) at least.

She checked his pockets, grabbing a wallet with a few hundreds in it and a credit car. He also had keys to a car. Maybe he did have enough worth killing for. She cleaned up in the bathroom before hiding the body under the bed and leaving. Lucky for her, it was already time for them to meet back up. She was actually a bit late.

Walking back to their area at the woods near the road, she saw the other three already there, talking about most likely where she was. As she walked up, she bowed.

"I collected a total of five keys, three credit cards, and $1,576.98," She said, not thinking about the fact she had blood on her clothes, which they all stared at. "Oh yeah, and I killed a guy. He was a massively fucked up asshole," she said with no problem, oddly too relaxed and happy acting to say that.

"That's messed up..." Sarah mumbled, making (y/n) stare. "By massively fucked up, he was going to probably beat and rape me," she added, making Sarah choke some and regret her words. "Well, good job, (y/n)," Brian spoke up before (y/n) said some shit to Sarah and started a fight.

"Now, let's get a car."

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