2. probation

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probation: (noun)
1. the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behaviour under supervision.

Two months later

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Two months later

"I cannot believe you, Ash Knight. You have crossed the line!" My mothers voice echoes in my ears as we get out of the car. "What on Earth were you thinking?!"

She was clearly waiting to release her wrath of anger on me until we got home, expected considering twenty hours ago I got arrested and she had to bail me out.

Definitely not the call she was expecting late on a Saturday night.

I was waiting for her to burst into flames, her fingernails dug into the steering wheel as we left the police station. She was beyond seething but I tried not to look at her, to probe her into shouting at me before she decided what she wanted to say.

So I huff and look out the window. I sank into the chair wishing I could disappear and save the lecture.

The last twenty-four hours have been a whirlwind. Maybe I deserved this but I couldn't help but think my mum deserved this more.

I push my keys into the front door and shove my way in, my mum hot on my feet. My dad is already sitting at the foot of the stairs, waiting for us to get home. His hands resting on his knees, he pushes up from the step as soon as he sees us.

"You will not believe the shit that just happened, Jerry!" Her voice echoes off the walls, slamming the front door like she wanted the whole neighbourhood to wake up. "He is completely irresponsible and acts like a goddamn child!"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes because I know it won't make this situation better, it'll set it on fire and I probably won't have anywhere to live after she catches me.

My eyes settle on the kitchen and I walk straight towards the fridge, I couldn't ignore my stomach rumbling any longer. Never have I felt so hungry in my life, slightly hungover and desperate for something sweet to take the edge off.

"What happened?" My dad asks, their voices following me.

"Arrested for vandalising and trespassing on private property," she snaps and I'm so pleased I'm not facing her right now.

"Right before the big PRADA shoot tomorrow. Why would you jeopardise everything, Ash? You've completely tarnished your image and for what?"

Frustration grows inside me and I find myself digging my fingers into the fridge, my core shaking and my throat burning.

"Following around some cool kids, trying to fit in by breaking the law. You think you ca–"

"The fact all you care about is my fucking modelling jobs just speaks volumes, mum." I turn sharply to her, keeping my tone cool.

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