7. off limits

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off limits: (phrase of limit)
1. out of bounds
2. not to be mentioned or discussed

Never in my twenty-three years on this planet have I felt heat like today, the second I step outside my house it's like the sun is blistering my skin with a blow torch

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Never in my twenty-three years on this planet have I felt heat like today, the second I step outside my house it's like the sun is blistering my skin with a blow torch. Ready to bubble and melt right off the bone.

And yet I still have to work in this God awful heatwave.

The only upside is that the work for the manor is mostly inside, although there is no good ventilation or windows that work properly without falling off the hinges. Which is fantastic, queue the next few days of hell. Literally. Might as well be hell with this temperature.

When I turn up to placement mostly on time, I pray to the heavens that Ash isn't half naked like the other day. When it was half the degrees it is now, I couldn't be sure what to walk into but I didn't need my eyes wandering across his defined abs.

The night we had a one night stand, I barely got the chance to see his body as he bent me over the desk and fucked my brains out. And yet, looking at his toned body and beautiful muscles, it almost made me wish I went back for seconds somehow.

He sure knew how to work my body. Even with those eyes, he fucked me with my clothes on across the party. I'd be a liar if I said I hated it because I didn't, I lapped it up and thought of that night on repeat for the month after.

No one knew, no one ever found out. I couldn't let anyone find out.

Seeing Ash here brings back all those memories and it freaks me out that we somehow live in the same town. The town is fairly big but I've never seen him around before but Reese recognised him and he's too close to home now, nothing could happen between us again for my own sanity.

Luckily when I walk through the manor Ash has his overalls on over his shoulders, although I could tell he's already struggling with the heat. Sweat dripping down the edge of his cheek and beaded across his forehead.

Our gazes clock once, those deep green eyes hold my stare. I give him a nod before dumping my belongings in the opposite room and changing into my death like uniform.

Ash is already clearing out the last pieces in the living room, we successfully completed one room together. Only about twenty more to go.

We move to the dining room and separate across the room, removing paintings, candle sticks and ornaments across the room. It's messier than the last meaning it'll take longer but I guess we still have ninety hours to complete this shit.

A loud crash echoes through the manor making both of our shoulders jump in suspense at the sound. I thought the floor had opened up and the house fell through into a black hole, that's how loud it was.

Ash relaxes his spine and looks over at me with a confused look, I replicate his expression.

We both snap our heads to the direction of the sound and investigate, Ash slips into the back room and I follow him. Neither of us have been in here yet and good thing too, as he pushes open the door we see the large crystal chandelier now shattered and cascaded across the wooden floor.

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