4. exhausted

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exhausted: (adjective)
1. very tired.

Nobody expects probation to be fun, especially in the peak of summer

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Nobody expects probation to be fun, especially in the peak of summer. The time where you're meant to be out with your friends, getting drunk and spending evenings watching the sun go down. Summer gives you unlimited options to go out and live your life, except for me. Because I am on tag and I need to be home by nine thirty or I can risk going to prison.

This summer is going to be perfect.

Carol, my probation officer, seems okay. Not that you're meant to have any kind of relationship with the person who is making sure that you are keeping in order, but she's manageable.

When my dad drops me off at the manor I'd be spending most of my summer at, I suck in a breath when I glance down at Carol and then shoot my eyes across to the guy standing beside her.

I study him for a moment and look back at Carol as she speaks. I remember that face, those eyes and that body. Instantly. It's like I couldn't forget but I don't make it obvious. His hair now dyed a bright blonde rather than a rich chocolate brown.

It looks good on him, more than I'd like to admit.

Neither of us speak for the majority of the placement but I can't let this silence eat away at us.

"You not going to talk to me, Cherry?" I say loudly.

Ash continues to look away from me before he drops the chair and turns towards me, his green eyes sparking with something that makes my heart thump. "I thought you didn't recognise me." His voice is soft but rough around the edges.

Making me remember that night a few months ago, how he shoved me over the edge of that desk and fucked my brains out.

I find myself smirking as I glance to the floor, trying to cover the sudden rush of blood to my cock. Having forced myself to forget about that night because thinking about it is dangerous and it's not like I want anyone to know. That would be a disaster.

"Almost didn't with that new hair." I comment.

His hand shoots to his head and he runs his fingers through the strands softly. He waits for a few moments before speaking, then he opens his mouth and mutters, "my names not Cherry."

"I know," I can't fight the smile off my face.

"It's Ash." He holds my stare.

"I know."

His green eyes flick between mine for a moment before I walk away, getting back to the work we have been set. I didn't want Carol on my back with everything else going on in my life.

When we're signed out by another probation officer, neither of us say goodbye to each other. Instead we head our separate ways, what is there to say to someone you've had a one night stand with?

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