41. heart attack

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heart attack: (noun)
1. a sudden occurrence of coronary thrombosis, typically resulting in the death of part of a heart muscle and sometimes fatal.

As soon as I get home I ring Britt, I need someone to vent this shit too or I might never recover from this

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As soon as I get home I ring Britt, I need someone to vent this shit too or I might never recover from this. Images of Bodi's beaten face and broken expression haunt my mind. What can I do to help him? Charge in there and demand that he is released? I'm sure his father would kill me before I finished my sentence.

Soon Britt arrives at my front door and I let her in. "What's going on? Your phone call scared the shit out of me." She huffs and walks through to the living room where she lowers her designer bag to the floor.

"Bodi," my throat stings.

She tilts her head instantly. "Has he fucked up again?"

"No," I snap and she blinks rapidly. "His father found out about us. There is a video of us online that his friend filmed and now I think his father knows and is taking it out on him. I just went over there and his eyes are bruised and his lip is cut, he's completely and utterly destroyed.

Britt's face crumbled. "What? You need to go back. There is a video of you two online?"

"Yes. His friend came to the manor and filmed us through the window having sex. Bodi saw it on his phone and he had uploaded it to some porn site. Bodi told me he went to see the guy who posted the video to delete it but things got heated, I bet he sent the video to Bodi's dad as punishment for what he said." The words fall so quickly from my lips I'm surprised Britt can even keep up but she nods.

"Holy shit, Ash," a hand covers her lips. "I had no idea this was going on."

I wave a hand over the situation. "I don't care about that. I care about Bodi. I need to do something, his father is abusive and vile and I fucking hate him with everything inside me."

"What would you do?"

A hand brushes over my head. "That's the thing," I grumble uselessly. "I don't know what I can do without making the situation worse. I fear what's going on behind closed doors, he's probably blackmailing him and manipulating him into believing that his boxing career will be ruined if he keeps seeing me."

Britt chews on her lips. "Could you possibly call the police?"

I tilt my head to her. "We're both classed as criminals, I doubt they'll even take it seriously. And I don't know how that would end, if it makes it worse and it makes his dad even more angry. I'd never forgive myself."

My eyes scan my living room but my mind is flooded with panic. "Have you been texting him?"

"Yeah but now they're not delivering. He's taken his phone away."

Britt huffs out a low sigh. "I'm sorry, Ash. This must be so hard for you."

I begin to pace between the rug on the carpet, everything feels like it's beyond reach and I am completely failing him. He's hurt, he's broken and alone and yet I still can't do anything to help him.

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