44. mine

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mine: (pronoun)
1. used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the speaker

As we enter Ash's bedroom our hands are all over each other, kissing and attempting to remove clothing as quickly as we can

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As we enter Ash's bedroom our hands are all over each other, kissing and attempting to remove clothing as quickly as we can. God, I need him more than oxygen right now. I need to feel him close before I explode.

Our lips connect and soon we're panting into each other's mouths, clothes hitting the floor until my back is thrown onto the bed. "I want to fuck you," I admit through the kiss. Ash instantly smiles and then bites on my bottom lip.

"I want to fuck you too."

When our eyes meet I almost burst. "Are we going to take it in turns?"

"Sure are," he smirks and kisses down my bare torso.

I hum at the sensation until Ash slides his fingers against the hem of my boxers. My skin instantly erupts into a show of goosebumps, oh I fucking love his touch and more. So much more.

He rips my boxers from my body and I watch his arms tense and relax. I suck in a breath because I will never be over tonight and it hasn't even started, God. So much pleasure, so much fun.

When my cock springs free, Ash grabs it with his hand and takes his time massaging the tip. I grow in his palm and I suppress a groan, his hands are crafted by the Gods. I'm sure of it.

Then he takes one glance at me before lowering his head, licking the tip with his warm tongue. "Fuck," I curse and watch carefully as he eases down my length.

He takes his time which makes this all the more torturous. His fingers grip the base of my cock and he bobs his head, lower and lower until I can feel my tip at the back of his throat. Then he begins to suck and move his head faster, flicking his tongue across my shaft.

I hiss through my teeth at the growing pleasure in the pit of my stomach. Fuck. Fuck.

My fingers slide through his hair and I take a fist full, beginning to guide him until I am shaking beneath him. "God, Cherry," I moan loudly.

I can't take my eyes off him as he worships my cock. It's my favourite movie. Better than our involuntary sex tape. Nothing will be better than the real thing, it's like watching it in HD.

His eyes flick to mine and he holds me in a deep trance, he continues to suck until I am a withering mess. "Shit, shit." I screw my eyes shut as he moves his lips quicker, shoving my cock as far down his throat as possible.

I almost crumble but I don't. Not yet anyway. We have so much to look forward to.

As much as I want to come in his mouth. I want to come when he's balls deep in me instead.

He pulls back and laps up my pre-cum, wetness sliding down my length.

"God," I grunt and raise my hips so the head grazes his pink lips.

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