1. one-night stand

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one-night stand: (noun)
1. a sexual relationship lasting only one night

One of the main perks of modelling is making friends from different towns, which means you don't get invited to the same shitty party every weekend with the same idiots who get drunk and trash the place

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One of the main perks of modelling is making friends from different towns, which means you don't get invited to the same shitty party every weekend with the same idiots who get drunk and trash the place.

In fact you get to meet a range of different people which means your party experience varies. You get to meet all the posh people, all the chavy people, all the druggy people, all the hippy people.

It keeps you entertained and I value having something different to do every Saturday than watch the same thirty people get drunk in one of their parents' basement.

Britt is my closest friend I've made from the modelling industry. Most people are fairly stuck up and see you as competition, meaning you don't get to make many friends. But Britt is different, she's down to Earth and she's generous.

I met her on my third fashion shoot with Topman, she offered me some calming tablets as my knee refused to stop shaking. This was my first proper fashion shoot after a couple amateur ones and I did not want to fuck it up.

After the shoot she told me how amazing I did and that I take a great picture, and ever since we became good friends. She's easily the nicest person I've met on a job. Everyone else just stares you down like you're going to steal their dream but Britt sure knew how to make me feel at ease. She's one of a kind.

Fast forward to right now, she had invited me to a party in her local town. One of her childhood friends lives in a mansion and their parents are away for the weekend, typical.

When I say mansion, I mean a mansion. You know for sure that this is the rich kid area and we did not grow up the same.

Alcohol welcomed us upon entry, there was even a DJ instead of just a speaker and someone's playlist.

"As if these are what your parties look like," I shout into Britt's ear as she sips from her cup.

She turns towards me with a wide grin. "You get to see how the other half live!" She exclaims.

"Yeah this is just insane," I comment, glancing around at the endless entry of girls in heels and dresses, boys wearing shirts and smart jeans.

"Come," she grips onto my hand and guides me through the house. "I need to pee."

"Of course," I roll my eyes and tilt the cup back into my mouth.

The free alcohol wasn't even cheap beer from the petrol station, it tasted premium. Everything here is completely baffling me.

Britt finds the bathroom and manages to cut the line like a pro. I lean against the opposite wall and wait for her, knowing full well that she might be about a hundred hours. I've seen what girls are like in movies, why can't they just be in and out like guys?

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