37. furious

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furious: (adjective)
1. extremely angry
2. full of anger or energy; violent or intense

I stay with Ash all day

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I stay with Ash all day. Not caring for what Carol has to say. And he doesn't want me going back to the manor, especially not after what has just happened to him and I wouldn't break my promise. Not when he's laying in a hospital bed begging me not to go back.

Ash's parents came back into the room exactly ten minutes after they said, I give them some time together but I never go far. I can tell by the look in Ash's eyes that he doesn't want me wandering away, he wants me where he can see him.

Even though we might not be touching, our hearts are definitely connected.

There is a knock at the door later into the afternoon, that's when those familiar set of black sunglasses and dark lipstick make an entrance. I take a glance at Ash but he's not looking at me.

"Hi, Ash," she swipes the glasses from her face and into her bag. "How are you feeling?"

"Not great," he admits and I'm glad he's not dumbing down his emotions.

She offers him a slanted smile and steps closer to the bed. "I came as soon as I could," she takes a look at Ash's parents. "But I'm pleased to see that you're okay, Ash."

Ash stares back at her but doesn't respond. She opens her mouth and then turns to his parents. "Would it be okay if I spoke to your son in private? About his probation placement."

They share a glance between them and stand from their seats hesitantly. "Sure," his mother says politely. When they step out of the room Carol turns to me and I shake my head.

"I'm not going anywhere." My arms fold across my chest, proving that I am here to stay.

She places one hand on her hip and raises an eyebrow but I only give her a stand-off in response. Eventually she huffs out a sigh and throws her hands up. "Fine," she grumbles. "But you should not be here, you should be at probation."

I choose to ignore her comment and turn back to Ash. "Have the police come?"

"Yes," Ash nods. "But it's nothing to do with people. Everything to do with the manor."

Carol's face creases at his words. "What do you mean?"

Ash opens his mouth to talk but his throat clenches and I know it's hard for him to talk about, so I stand up and walk towards Carol. "Neither of us will be going back to the manor, it's dangerous and not fit for community probation."

She blinks once, I can tell she thinks I'm taking the piss but I keep my face engaged. "I don't think that's your choice to make, Bodi."

Fire burns inside of me and my lip twitches to release some harsh words but Ash gets there before me. "I'm not going back there," his voice wobbles and we both turn our attention towards him. You could see the pure fear behind his eyes, like they're vacant and remembering. Even when he doesn't want to. "I don't care what you say. Send me to prison, that place will be safer than that manor anyday."

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