20. kisses

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kisses: (noun)
1. a touch or caress with the lips.

Britt heads over to meet me after probation

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Britt heads over to meet me after probation. It's Friday and I really don't want to go home to my parents just yet, I know for a fact my mother is going to shove some new castings down my throat. Thursday night is usually the night she is hit up with offers and Friday is the day I am swarmed.

Luckily I escaped her this morning and I don't wish to engage in any of that nonsense today.

I meet Britt at a coffee shop because I need caffeine and some delicious homemade cake. She's already waiting for me, sitting at the table by the window. When I step in she stands and braces me into a tight hug.

"Hello my delinquent friend," she squeezes me tight and I chuckle.

"Yeah maybe don't say that in public," I mumble under my breath as I pull away.

She frowns and nods. "Yeah, sorry," she shoves her dark hair over her shoulder and sits down opposite me. "I ordered you an iced latte, is that alright? It's fucking hot out and I doubt you want something scalding."

"No it's perfect," I grin back at her. "Thank you."

The waitress brings over our drinks and I down half of mine instantly. "Tough day?"

I shrug once and run my finger around the edge of the glass. "Not tough but I guess my head is just a bit all over the place," I exhale slowly.

Britt leans forward, eyes wide. "Spill the goss then."

My back presses into the chair and I stare into her curious eyes. "With that guy at probation."

She hits the table once with her hand causing me to jump slightly. "I fucking knew it! You've been screwing again, haven't you?"

"Shhhhh," I hiss at her and look around. "Why are you always so damn loud with the private stuff?"

Britt chuckles to herself, she looks pleased. "I bloody knew it, you have."

"Yeah we have, only once. We've done bits but other than that, I don't really know what's going on between us."

"Hmmm, have you spoken to him about it?"

"No!" I exclaim. "Of course I haven't."

"Why not?"

My eyes roll and I bring the cup up to my lips. "Because I don't want to ruin what we already have by scaring him off. He's not out yet because he doesn't even know what he is. But I don't want to change anything we have, I'm enjoying it."

"No communication can lead to heartbreak," Britt says instantly.

"I know but right now I'm just having fun, enjoying his company, the sex, his mouth–"

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