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(Don't forget to read chapter 46 before this as it's part of a double upload!)

(Don't forget to read chapter 46 before this as it's part of a double upload!)

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One year later

"How many times, Bodi... the milk!" Ash shouts from the kitchen and I grunt into a pillow.

"Sorry," I call after him. Two minutes later he emerges from the kitchen and stands in the doorway, he crosses his arms over his chest and quirks an eyebrow at me.

Ash huffs out a breath. "It's been nine months, come on. Please, just one time. Put it in the fridge when you're done with it."

I twist my lips into a frown. "Promise I won't do it again."

He rolls his eyes and pushes off his feet. "You said that last time."

My hands reach out and grab his waist, pulling him down onto the sofa beside him. "Well if I do it again and the milk goes off, I'll go and get you some more. Alright? Is that a good deal?"

Ash rolls his head to me, green eyes full of amusement. "Yeah, sure thing."

I press my lips to his and he finally relaxes. Everything's better with a kiss. Absolutely everything.

After a moment he pulls back and we fold back into the sofa's cushions. "So when is everyone coming over?" He asks me and I shrug, leaning forward to grab my phone.

"Sometime soon," I say as I scroll through my messages. "Who knows, when are they ever on time?"

Ash snorts. "True. They've got worse with their punctuality."

"And they think I'm bad," I comment and Ash smiles.

"I love that they come over to our place. Is there anything better?"

I shake my head and peck his lips once more. "Nope. And when they leave, it's just me and you again and I live for every second of it."

Ash nods in agreement. "I am so happy," he whispers and my heart catches alight.

"I'm happy too," I admit. "I thought life had a limit but every day just goes above and beyond. Everything is so much easier now. With you."

"So easy," Ash's lips flick into a gorgeous smile. "We really went through it all."

I slide my hand over to Ash's and take it in my hands. "Shall we go out tomorrow, just us?"

"I'm going away for a few days, remember?" He says, pushing his fingers through the top of my hair.

A grunt escapes my throat. "Don't remind me. What am I going to do without you?"


I tilt my head with clear annoyance. "Obviously, but in the evenings. I'm going to be bored as shit."

Ash fakes a pout. "Well you'll have to remember what it was like before we lived together, when we'd get home from probation and part ways."

"I don't want to think of those times ever again," I admit seriously. "Now I only know living with you, coming home to you. That is it."

He releases a slow laugh. "You are so damn dramatic, Bodi. Do you know that?"

I gasp in mock horror. "How dare you?"

"Proving my point," he pushes my shoulder jokingly.

"Is it such a bad thing that I'm obsessed with you?"

Ash closes his eyes and chuckles softly. "No but it's only a few days, I'm sure it'll go by super quick. I'm sure Elijah will keep you company if you ask for it."

I grunt in protest. "I don't want Elijah's company."

"Let me guess..." he trails off. "You only want mine?"


Then he laughs and I kiss him again to shut him up. One peck and then two, then suddenly my tongue is in his mouth and I'm covering his body with mine, hands exploring his shirt.

"Bodi," he pants. "They're going to be here any second."

"No they won't," I shake my head. "Let's be honest."

Ash smiles into the kiss again, taking it a notch deeper. Somehow I've pulled Ash onto my lap and now he's grinding his cock onto mine, the fabric of our trousers doing nothing for the current friction.

"We won't have time," he pants again.

I lift up his chin and kiss down his neck. "You couldn't last three minutes, Cherry."

He groans as I nip at the skin over his collarbone. "Why are you doing this to me now?"

"It couldn't wait," I groan, pulling him down onto my cock again.

We both gasp at the same time. We're against the clock and for some reason this feels extremely forbidden and thrilling.

Just as my hand slides between our crotches, there is a knock at the door.

"Fuck," I roll my head back and Ash breathes out harshly, followed by a staggered laugh. "Don't say I told you so."

Ash watches me as I readjust ourselves, standing from the sofa and attempting to push away any evidence of a full hard on. Because I have one right now and it's raging.

There is a soft pink blush across Ash's cheeks and I lean forward to kiss him again. "Unfinished business," I murmur against his lips.

He nods eagerly. "Unfinished business indeed."


This actually hurts because Ash and Bodi and their story is literally so perfect to me!

Saying goodbye to these two hurts so much but they deserve to be happy after all the shit they've been through. They deserve everything and more!🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰💘💘💘


Thank you so much for reading along and supporting me, liking and commenting. You truly make me all so happy, so thank you for being great readers. It honestly means the world to me!☺️

Love Savanna x

Insta: SavRose.x
Patreon: dreammcatcher
Tik Tok: SavannaWritess

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