11. headbutt

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headbutt: (noun)
1. an aggressive and forceful thrust with the top of the head into the face or body of another person.

"Are you sure your dad isn't going to be livid that you're out tonight when you have a fight tomorrow?" Elijah questions as we walk down the town highstreet and towards our favourite pub

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"Are you sure your dad isn't going to be livid that you're out tonight when you have a fight tomorrow?" Elijah questions as we walk down the town highstreet and towards our favourite pub.

I shrug. "He doesn't know that I'm at the pub, he just thinks I'm round yours. But I said I'd be home early enough to get a good night's sleep before he goes ballistic."

Elijah's eyes widen and he puffs out his cheeks. "Let's hope that goes to plan," he grips my shoulder and I laugh under my breath.

Me too. I think in my head.

"Is Ciara and Jules meeting us there?" Reese asks from the other side of Elijah.

I hum and glance down at my phone that has no new messages. "Yeah. I think so. Ciara hasn't texted me though but I'm sure they're on their way."

We flash the security guards our IDs and walk through the busy pub. I could spot Ciara's bright blonde hair and red lipstick from a mile away, and standing next to her was Jules with her long silky brunette hair and full eyelashes.

Ciara and I have been talking for the last few weeks. I've known of her since school but we didn't get closer until we left. Reese has had a crush on her since forever but she slid into my DM's instead, inviting us to a party and now we've somewhat clung to each other.

We hooked up the first night we met. Ciara is a very sexual being, not that it's a bad thing but I don't seem as into it as she does. She's over me every second and I like a bit of space, I don't think I'm an affectionate person because being smothered by her makes my skin crawl.

Her bright blue eyes find mine in an instant and she grins, patting Jules shoulder and strutting over to me in her big heels. "Hey B!" She wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls me into her.

I slip my arms around her lower back and pat her spine. "Hey Ciara," I mumble into her shoulder.

She pulls back but keeps her arms on my shoulders, gleaming up at me with a bright smile. Then she leans forward to press a kiss to my lips, I turn my head ever so slightly so it grazes the corner of my mouth instead.

"Let's get a drink," I beckon my head over to the bar.

I say hello to Jules and we order some drinks. All of us attempting to find somewhere to sit in this packed bar.

As we slide through the sea of pub-goers, Ciara yelps in front of me and turns to a group of boys beside her. "Did you just squeeze my ass?!" Her voice bellows across the pub, causing heads to turn towards the noise.

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