46. happiness

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happiness: (noun)
1. the state of being happy.

It's been a couple of weeks since Bodi spoke to his friends about what Reese did, even coming out to them

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It's been a couple of weeks since Bodi spoke to his friends about what Reese did, even coming out to them. We've spent time together with Britt, it's all been a breeze and I'm sure Bodi was in need of some good company.

Despite knowing what Ciara caused for Bodi in the past, it's obvious that she's happy for us. Maybe after all she finally got her closure as to why Bodi never wanted to become that serious with her, I'm just pleased that everything can be left behind us.

Instead we power on. As a new group. As new friends.

I've never been happier.

Bodi's dad didn't have a funeral. They decided to cremate his ashes and have a ceremony instead. I was there for Bodi every step of the way, it was upsetting obviously, but I know deep down he realises that he's finally free from the monster who destroyed his life.

He can be who he wants without the pressure of his father.

Bodi can be happy. With me. With who he is and no one is going to take that away from him again.

The house has been up on the market for a little while now and it has some interest, but neither of us mind. We decided to take a chance and move in together at some point, nothing is a rush at the moment and I'm grateful for it.

I've been helping Bodi shift boxes of stuff in his loft, anything to help when he manages to sell this place. We've had a whole summer of manual labour, we could do this in a couple of days with our experience.

We call for a break after a few hours and head downstairs for some water. Bodi guides us into the back garden and we sit for a moment.

"So I've been thinking," Bodi clears his throat and I turn my attention to him. "I've come to the conclusion that maybe boxing professionally isn't for me. You know I've got back into it after coming off tag but something feels different, I feel different. And I'm not sure if it's for me anymore."

I tilt my head slowly and smile. "What would you want to do instead?"

Bodi shrugs. "I prefer the idea of training someone else, teaching them how to box. For one it takes the pressure off of me to perform all the time and I like the idea of becoming a mentor, proving that boxers can be boxers without being bullied by their coaches."

"I like the sound of that," I admit. "You'd be a great coach. You're very patient. Always have been with me at the manor, when I cut my hand, when I almost lost my legs. You'd be amazing at that."

His dark eyes flick between mine. "You think?"

I nudge his shoulder with mine. "I know so."

Bodi's mouth casts a beautiful smile. "Thanks, Cherry. It means a lot."

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