32. relationship

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relationship: (noun)
1.the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.

When Ash leaves the gathering, I feel slightly disheartened

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When Ash leaves the gathering, I feel slightly disheartened. I wish he could have stayed longer but the fact he came at all means more to me than he realises. Now I'm stuck thinking that I should have just sacked this off and gone with him. Maybe we could have gone for a drive, just us.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I reach in to retrieve it.

AshKnight: I'm home now, sorry I left so abruptly

bodihawk1: Don't apologise, it's fine, I'm pleased that you came. Sorry about Reese, I always just choose to ignore him.

AshKnight: Yeah, he's definitely not one of my fave people, I have to admit

bodihawk1: haha, I hope that spot is reserved for someone much better

AshKnight: Yep, he's pretty great actually.

There is a pathetic smile on my face because I know he's talking about me, at least I think he is. That would be fucking embarrassing if not. But I decided to bite the bullet and send a message that has my heart rate increasing.

bodihawk1: Well you're my favourite person too

AshKnight: Don't go all soppy on me now I've left, Bodi.

bodihawk1: Guess we have some unfinished business then.

AshKnight: You bet we do.

I lock my phone and slide it back into my pocket, taking note of the time so that I can get home before I break my curfew again. Reese approaches me outside as I bring myself back into the gathering, I've been smiling at my phone like an idiot for the last five minutes.

Completely in my own world.

When Reese leans against the wooden fencing beside me I give him one glance and look away. He was being a cunt to Ash and there is no excuse for his shitty actions, I've always known he's been a little rough edged but I won't stand for him pushing around Ash like some ragdoll.

"So what's going on with you and that guy?"

His voice makes me want to commit a murder, especially on him. "What, you mean when you shoved him into the wall for no fucking reason?"

Reese's eyes narrow towards me and I keep my expression neutral. After a few moments he cracks a smile, shaking his head. "Deflecting the question I see."

"I don't have to answer shit to you, he's my friend and I'd appreciate it if you weren't such a massive asshole towards him." I spit.

"So he hasn't moved to you?"

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