36. paranormal

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paranormal: (adjective)
1. denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.

I wasn't expecting my body to hurt more with fear than the physical injuries I'm currently holding

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I wasn't expecting my body to hurt more with fear than the physical injuries I'm currently holding. I've been shaken to my core since waking up in this hospital bed, my mother and my father standing over my body with concerned eyes.

That's when it all started coming back to me.

The manor. The shadows. The voices.

My eyes press together tightly and I can hear the machine beside my bed begin to go wild. My mum calls for a doctor and my vitals are checked but I can't think about anything right now, my mind has been infested with visions of things that do not belong to this Earth.

Ones that people do not believe in.

I knew something was wrong with that manor and I will never step foot inside again, even if it sends me back to court because the probation officers want me to finish the job. Fuck that. The thought makes my stomach flip like a disastrous rollercoaster.

A cup of water is brought up to my lips and I take a large gulp. My father leaves to grab me some decent food and a coffee from the vending machines but I didn't want any of that. My heart lurched for Bodi, where is he?

Did something happen to him too?

My breathing begins to increase and my mother rests a hand on my arm. "Honey, you need to calm down," she says gently. "You've been through a lot and you need to let the medicine kick in. You'll be feeling better soon."

I glance down at my strained arm, my skin sliced open from God knows what. When my face creases I wince, raising my hand with wires hanging out of the back to my forehead. I press down gently and hiss when I feel a lump and a sore patch.

"Honey," my mother pulls my hands away and clutches them between her own. "Stop, you're going to make yourself worse."

My eyes flick between my mothers and I open my mouth. "Bodi," I whimper. "Where is he?!"

She blinks at my sudden tone and shakes her head. "We don't know honey, your father rang him earlier."

Rang him earlier? Shouldn't he be here to see if I'm okay? The thought rips my heart in two. Maybe something happened to him. Oh God, please don't let anything happen to him.

"Please, you have to find him," tears threaten my eyes but my voice has already gone, begging, pleading. "Please, mum. I need to know where he is."

I glance at the clock on the wall. It's almost midday which means he would be at probation and the manor isn't safe. It isn't safe for anyone and the last person I want there is Bodi. Fuck. Fuck. My chest puffs out painfully and I forget how to breathe like a normal human being.

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