10. abandoned

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abandoned: (adjective)
1. having been deserted or left.

"Oh my God, Mum!" I exclaim, extending my hands up to the ceiling and then throwing them down on top of my head

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"Oh my God, Mum!" I exclaim, extending my hands up to the ceiling and then throwing them down on top of my head. "Do you even hear yourself right now?"

My mum glares back at me with her hands on her hips. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be getting any of these castings and call backs!"

I laugh to myself bitterly. "Without me you wouldn't be getting any money to buy this house in LA that you've been pining after. My hard work and you want to buy a house in LA with the money I've earned."

"How dare you! I do all of this for you and you throw it back in my face like it's nothing?" Her voice grows louder and echoes off the walls aggressively.

"Because you've completely controlled my life, mum. What about what I want?"

Her eyes flick between mine frantically and I grit my teeth, growling inside like a fucking animal. I couldn't stand this anymore. This stupid conversation we have every damn week and yet she still doesn't care. She doesn't give one shit.

"I've built up an amazing portfolio and connections with some of the best agencies and brands," she folds her arms across her chest and glowers at me. "You really want to throw that all away?"

I scoff and look up at the ceiling, poking my tongue through my cheek. "I'm so sick and tired of this shit. No matter what I say, you always come back with something twice as ridiculous. A house in LA? Don't you think I know what that means."

My mum runs a hand through her dark hair, composing herself for what she's about to say. "There are so many amazing opportunities in LA, the world would be our oyster." She takes a step forward, her voice finally dropping. Trying to win me over.

"And does dad know about this? What about his job?!" I exasperate. "I doubt he has the faintest clue what's going on with you and your fantasy ideas."

Her head shakes once. "That is something to discuss with your father later."

My eyes roll painfully and I shake my head, unable to rid my body of this pure frustration.

"Come on Ash," she pleads with me. Standing a couple inches away. "How amazing would that be... LA? You can't deny that it would be fabulous."

I tut and then laugh, humourlessly. "I cannot believe you. You're never going to listen to me and what I want. You are not acting like a mother right now."

She recoils from my words, her face now drenched with poison. "I beg your pardon."

My foot takes one step backwards and I reach for my coat, needing to exhale this anger before I start saying somethings that I really didn't mean. "I'm going, don't expect me back tonight. Tomorrow or whenever because I don't live on your schedule anymore."

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