31. redeemed

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redeemed: (verb)
1. compensate for the faults or bad aspects of.

This morning I had an early casting with a brand I've never heard of, my mother insists they're up and coming but I've learnt not to say anything and just go with it

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This morning I had an early casting with a brand I've never heard of, my mother insists they're up and coming but I've learnt not to say anything and just go with it. In a way I didn't mind because it makes the weekend go faster and that means I can see Bodi sooner.

He's got a lot of shit going on at the moment and leaving him yesterday felt wrong but I know he's got meetings with Carol and interviews and God knows what else. And his father, that's another thing.

I just hope that he's okay. I've told him that I'm always here if he needs me, I'm only a text or a call away. Hopefully he's making use of his weekend and taking some time out for himself. Possibly seeing some friends, preferably not Ciara.

When I get home at two o'clock in the afternoon, I take a shower and flop onto my bed. I scroll through my phone until it becomes boring. Britt is away with her family and I definitely don't want a night in with my parents on a Saturday. But considering I barely have any other friends, that's a problem.

Just as I click off Twitter my phone lights up with Bodi's name across the screen. I sit up so quickly that I almost give myself whiplash, he's never called me except for that time on the football field.

My blood runs cold and I pray that everything is alright.

I tap the call button with my thumb and raise the phone to my ear. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Ash," Bodi's voice is light and I take a soft breath, he doesn't sound upset or like he's in danger to himself. So that's something. "Yeah everything's fine, I just wanted to speak to you."

My throat clenches and I nod even though he can't see me. "On a Saturday?" I tease.

"Most definitely on a Saturday," I can tell he's grinning and that makes my heart glow. "Anyway, there's going to be a little bit of a get together in a few hours with my friends and some people from my school. I wanted to know if you wanted to come."

I hate how my shoulders dip. Another dreaded party?

"Oh," there is clear disappointment in my voice. "Like a party?"

"Well not really, just a few friends, a few drinks. Ciara isn't going to be here and I want you to be involved with some of my friends. If anything, I want to spend more time with you."

I pause for a moment because I don't know what to say. The idea kind of fills me with dread, the last party didn't end well. And even though I know how upset Bodi was when everything went down at the last one, it still makes me feel on edge. Even without Ciara being there.


"I don't know."

"I get you're probably a little cautious but I just really want to see you. Even if it's for an hour, I'm not even going to drink. We can definitely find somewhere a little private to be alone, I want you to be there."

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