19. bonding

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bonding: (noun)
1. the establishment of a relationship or link with someone based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences.

Things have felt different between me and Ash this week, everything has felt a lot calmer and life seems somewhat easier

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Things have felt different between me and Ash this week, everything has felt a lot calmer and life seems somewhat easier. I enjoy Ash's company a lot and I know he enjoys mine too. Even though he thinks this manor is stupidly haunted, he manages to keep his shit together so we can get our job done.

But we have also had our ways with each other between visits from our probation officers, no minute is safe but we decided to take the risk. We've almost been caught a few times now but that's what makes it so thrilling and I love how my heart races and our lips are swollen and we have to act like nothing happened.

It makes me feel so fucking alive. With Ash I feel like I've never lived before. What the fuck was my life before I even met him?

Boxing, verbal abuse from father, repeat.

No wonder Ash feels like a breath of fresh air. He relieves me and I relieve him. But not just with orgasms and perfect climaxes, just the way we touch each other. Sometimes we handle one another with care and other times we're so rough that I'm sure our bodies might explode.

I like both sides to... whatever is going on between us.

Certainly keeps me on my toes and alert at any given moment.

We take a long deserved break at lunch because it's the hottest part of the day and even though it's nothing like that heatwave a few weeks back, it's still scorching.

Both of us sit outside on an old table that's pressed up against the edge of the wall and in the shade. As we eat our lunch Ash twists his legs and twists them into a crossed position as he looks at me.

"How did you get into boxing?"

I throw my empty foil packet from my sandwich on the table beside me and rotate my head to Ash, staring back at me with big curious eyes.

"I was never good at football, rugby or whatever sport is fucking popular right now," I draw my legs up to my chest and rest my elbows on them. "Through school I kind of liked running, doing more athletic sports than games. I went to college and they had a boxing session, I tried it out and I loved it."

Ash tilts his head and chews on the inside of his lip. "What do you love about it? Because from where I'm standing, you're fighting with some random person for fun. You hit them, they hit you. You get hurt, have the bruises to show for it and then go home?"

I laugh quietly at his description but I nod. "Yeah I guess that's exactly what happens. But it's exciting, it's good for fitness, for reactions. Sparring has been fun because I like to test my strength against someone else. I guess I can't really explain it, it feels good when I do it."

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