39. silenced

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TW: violence, abuse, homophobic slurs

silenced: (adjective)
1. prevented or prohibited from speaking.

On our day off from probation I head over to Reese's house, I'm not exactly sure what came over me but I felt like I didn't get enough of my anger out at the party

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On our day off from probation I head over to Reese's house, I'm not exactly sure what came over me but I felt like I didn't get enough of my anger out at the party. And now we have no witnesses, I have to drum it into his head how much he's fucked with our lives.

I care about Ash more than anything, including my own life and career.

He's innocent in all of this, if Reese has a problem with me then he needs to address it. Which is why a part of me wants to get this over with, find out the real reason that I'm being punished for being who I am.

Is that what he wants, to see me suffer? Because it's working.

At this point I'm more worried about losing Ash than anything else. Even if the whole world finds out that we're together and I like guys, I'll have to deal with the consequences. But losing Ash all together, I won't be able to deal with that backlash.

We said we'd get through this shitshow together and I know neither of us plan on going back on our word.

So I've decided to do the only thing I can do and try to understand why Reese would do this when we've been friends for years. Deep down I really hate to think that he's secretly homophobic but then another part of me is afraid that really he's in the closet himself.

Both ideas terrify me because if I've been amongst a friend who hates gay people just because they like the opposite, then I was doomed from the start. But if he's secretly in the closet and he's doing this to punish me, to somehow prove he isn't, or maybe it's out of jealousy. It has me rethinking his whole existence.

My knuckles rise to knock on his door, his parents probably won't be home because it's still early and they've gone to work. Yet to this day I still have no idea what Reese really does as a job or if he even leaves the house. His parents are rich so he sponges off them but then hangs out with the kids from his school who were working class.

Probably to make himself look better and richer and he is an idiot for doing so.

The door soon swings open and that familiar set of blonde hair flops across his face, brushing some of it away with his hand. He smirks and I instantly want to smack him into the floor, maybe going to prison wouldn't be so bad.

"Well, well, well," he leans on the door hinge and crosses his arms across his chest. "If it isn't my little gay friend."

My jaw clicks at his words. "I don't understand why you have to be such an ass about this," I lower my voice. "Why would you post that video... what are you trying to prove?

Reese looks down for a second and snorts. "You think you can live this second, private life and not expect your friends to find out?"

I scrunch up my face and pull back. "What has my private life got anything to do with our friendship? If I want to keep something a secret I can, it's up to me who decides who I share things with. Not you."

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