Chapter 1

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3 Years ago...

Meredith's POV:

As I heard the door slam I knew that it was in that moment I had to change my life. Enough was enough but I had no idea where to start.

Present day Derek's POV:

I have been nothing but on the top of my game for the last year at this hospital, I am the best dam Neurosurgeon I take on impossible cases. My old mentor, Richard Webber phoned me last year saying he was thinking of stepping down and that I would be the perfect candidate to take his place. I needed to leave my current situation at the time in New York, so I took the offer Richard made and became Head of Neurosurgery at Seattle Grace. I was fighting for chief alongside Dr Preston Burke, I knew this, however he did not he thought Richard had promised him chief but no Richard said he had changed his mind and offered us both the position it was just a competition now. This is part of the reason as to why Burke isn't my biggest fan but I try to be nice and maybe even friends but he sees me as the enemy which is understandable. So when I read my emails and found out that Richard would be announcing chief to the rest of the hospital early this morning a large grin plastered my face. I had recently operated on an inoperable tumour and the guy survived. The chief position is mine.

I made my way down to the hall where Richard was holding this morning's presentation I guess you could say there was a slight jump in my walk . Dr Burke was making his way down the corridor and placed his hand on my shoulder catching my attention.


'Ah, Dr Burke off to Richard's meeting I'm assuming.'

'I am indeed Dr Shepherd'

'Oh come on just call me Derek , we're friends'

'No ... no we are not friends Dr Shepherd. Not after finding out you too were after chief'

I chuckled to myself. 'Fine I'll see you in there Dr Burke.' 

As I took my seat next to Burke I saw a group of interns joining obviously this meeting was for everyone in the hospital. I need to think of something to say in my speech for when Richard calls me up I only had something small prepared since I presumed it would only be Burke and I in Richard's office when he said. Something fell down the side of the seat rows it was a snack bar I looked up the seats to see where it came from only to see it was from the three residents. Cristina, Izzie and George they are second year residents and think they know everything and everyone. Like everyone, there has been rumours about them theirs just seems to be more interesting. I'm not someone who likes gossip but you can't help hearing it when your doing your charts at the nurse's station. Other than disease nothing around here spreads faster than gossip. Cristina is apparently involved with one of the attendings and something strange is going on between Izzie and George but no one really knows. Anyway I turned back round as I saw Richard approach up centre stage it was the typical good morning introduction speech that went on for quite a while. 

'As I am sure you lot all have heard I will be stepping down from Chief of surgery at Seattle Grace. I have been wanting to spend more time with my wife and see that this is the best way for it. So I have called everyone here today to introduce to you our new Chief of surgery and I hope that this change will be as easy as possible.'

I moved my hand off my knee ready to stand up when I saw a young woman with dirty blonde hair walking across the stage towards Richard. Richard moved his arm out welcoming the woman to stand next to him they shook hands and he stepped backwards to sit in a blue chair. My hands clenched to the side of my seat I have no idea what is going on. I furrowed my brow looking at Burke sat beside me he took off his glasses polishing them with a cloth he was just as confused as I. The race for chief was between me and Burke. Who even is this woman and why has she just been named our next chief? My teeth gritted together how could Richard do this to me, it took nearly everything in me not to run up on the stage and ask what on earth was going on but instead I just huffed and stayed in my seat. That was when she looked up to address the room her blonde bangs sat either side of her face clung to each of her cheeks. She was wearing her dark blue scrubs she was a rather small woman and she also looked very young. How is she our new chief she looks fresh out of med school. But her beauty shocked me and anything negative I wanted to think towards her I just couldn't. Before I began day dreaming she adjusted the microphone down to her height and spoke with a large smile was on her face ' I'm Dr Grey, Dr Meredith Grey.'

I mumbled to myself

                                                  'Meredith Grey'

Short chapter yes but they will get longer don't worry.

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