Chapter 14

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Derek's POV:

I can't believe that she actually agreed to a date with me. I just wasn't sure how to do it now. Should I go all out? She doesn't seem like a girl who would want something over the top though. We agreed dinner so maybe that nice restaurant by the ferry.

I sent her a text telling her I would pick her up at 7 giving enough time for our reservation. I remember my sister giving me one piece of advice and that was to always say the theme of the restaurant or wherever we were going. Apparently that helps with the outfit choice?

I told Meredith it was a nice place not too fancy just a simple dress or something would be fine. She could  show up in the most awful thing and I would still think she was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen.

Meredith's POV:

Derek text me the details of our date. I haven't been on a date since high school. I swore I would never do this again I feel embarrassed. What am I supposed to wear? What if this goes horribly and Derek never wants to see me again? What if I spill stuff all down myself? Crap, crap, crap. Clearly my guardian angel was working with me tonight as a message came through from Derek.

'I'll see you at 7 for our reservation. Wear something simple, the place we are going to isn't too fancy but wearing something like a nice dress will be just perfect. Can't wait to see you!'

Thank god he's given me an idea of what to wear. This would be great if I had unpacked so now I'm going to have to search through boxes. And after a stressful day today I wish that the perfect outfit was just there. And not needing to be searched for.

I didn't spend much time in the hospital today as I had to go over to another hospital for a few meetings, and the time I spent at Seattle Grace was horrific and I was only there and hour or two! The rest of the day was full of meetings, the only good thing that came from it was that I was able to leave early it was currently 3pm I'm slightly worried about the hospital but I hope it is able to run a couple hours without me I have left it all in Patricia's hands, she's my personal assistant a life saver. I do need to take the time to find someone like a second chief who can look after the hospital if I'm not there as it isn't fair on her. Next week I will do it.

I didn't feel comfortable with leaving Ellis with Teddy so Alex offered to take care of her. He's telling me to put myself out there more so he's more then happy to help me out. I do want Ellis to spend some time getting to know Teddy at some point as she is a dear friend who I have known for a while and helped me out quite a bit. I can't wait for a bond to form but obviously I would have to be there to start it as she's only little.
But besides that Alex is seeing someone, their name is Jo she's a resident I have only heard good things about her but I will have to define my opinion when he lets me meet her. So tonight they are hanging out here at mine though there's nothing to do nor eat so they are going out too for some food.

Time got on fast and it was now 5pm I finished up the last of my files I needed for tomorrow before putting my laptop on to charge. I decided to probably go get a start on getting ready for later.
I rummaged through a couple boxes I found a navy blue dress that dropped just past my knees. But then I saw my amazing black dress and my mind changed instantly.
I wore this dress when I was younger I'm surprised I still fit into it. It was a little booby but nothing wrong with showing some cleavage. It sat just above my knees and hugged me tightly. The dress was found, next on the list were shoes!

I was all ready I decided on just having my hair down slightly curled. I still had some time to spare and out of all thing I decided to do I cooked some pasta for Ellis' lunch tomorrow to leave in the fridge as I didn't want to ask Alex to do it.

He's early. Not by much but he's early! It's 6:50 but at least I'm all set otherwise that would have been a disaster. I opened the door with a large smile on my face.
'You're early'

'I know I underestimated the accelerator on the car you see' he grinned standing at the door.

'Not overly eager?' I playfully raised my brow.

'Well that too.'

'Mhmm' I moved aside of the door allowing him to come in.

'These are for you, now I didn't get you flowers I may have had some pointers from Alex in telling me to get you food instead. But by food that meant ice cream.' He turned facing me.

'You got me ice cream' I sweetly said moving closer to him.

'Strawberry to be exact.' He held it up with a smile. The smile that was so dreamy. The mcdreamy smile because he's so dreamy, god Meredith sound more like a girl why don't you.

'My favourite Thankyou.' I took the pot and went to put it in the freezer.
'Now you see Derek your a smidge early I just need to put this pasta in a tub into the fridge.' I said blushing.

'You're cooking? Were you that hungry?' He laughed.

'No it's for Ellis tomorrow she asked for pasta for school and I thought I would make it so Alex didn't need to. Anyway I'm done now so I'm ready to go.'

'Excellent.' He said slowly making his way to the hall.

I grabbed my coat which he then insisted on helping me put on. I dotted my eyes across the room to see my little bag sat on the foot stall by the door which I quickly grabbed.

After I had walked out I quickly locked the door and spun back round to face Derek.

'Shall we?' He held his arm out.

'We shall.' I mocked linking my arm into his as we walked down the steps to his Porsche.

Derek's POV:

I was excited to see her was an understatement I ended up arriving at her house earlier but not by much. The second she answered the door something got caught in my throat, rather she was breathtaking. Her blonde curls sat just over her shoulders with a flowy bounce. Her dress was gorgeous it hugged her tightly in all the right places. I tried hard to not come across as a pig and look at her breasts which were poking out her dress. She spoke which caught me out of my mindless trail. Her giggle, god her giggle was so cute and made me instantly smile. As she spun around I saw the dress sit tightly on her ass. God I'm Mark I feel sick.

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I'm Going camping for the weekend so will update when back

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