Chapter 8

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Derek's POV:

'Derek, Ellis isn't Alex's daughter. She's mine.'

'I understand if you want nothing to do with me now Derek, thankyou for today.' Meredith quickly dashed out the car.

I froze. She has a kid, she already looks way younger then she is. She seems so young to have a kid.

But what she said after caught me. Why would she think I wanted nothing to do with her? So what if she had a kid. Maybe she presumed that for most people her having a child is a game changer, but not for me. I felt awful when she said that as she had hurried off like a deer caught by headlights. Her whole mood changed when I mentioned Ellis, as though she was a secret I shouldn't have known about. I don't know what that was all about so I decided on getting out my car and heading up to her door. Or would that worsen things? Surely not. I'll knock.

I walked up the steps and just as I went to knock I saw her through the window. She was crying and Alex went to pull her into a hug. Then the pair quickly pulled apart when a small curly haired blonde joined them. Yeah, I should leave.

I headed back to the trailer which wasn't a very long drive but it was long enough for me to think. I want to date Meredith, I know I don't know much about her but there's just something about her. She enchants the air I breath. This last year hasn't been the greatest for me yet these last few weeks just her presence has changed me. Her having a kid doesn't change my mind I really like her and I plan on letting her know that. From the slight things she mentioned on our date at the ferry she has been alone and I don't want her to be alone anymore. I just hope she feels the same.

Meredith's POV:

I woke up this morning with a sick feeling in my stomach I just hope it will go away soon. Yesterday I will admit I was a bit skittish around Derek. It's because of Ellis I don't want anyone to hurt her, there's a reason I moved away.
I really liked Derek I thought maybe we could have gone out another time but I guess that won't be happening now that he knows I have a kid.

After showering and getting myself together for the day. I woke Ellis up, I love her morning look her curls all sprawled across her face matted up. I sat at the edge of my bed and stroked my hand through her hair whilst placing a kiss on her forehead. 

'Ellis hun it's time to get up, I love you so so much sunshine.' She mumbled something that I wasn't able to understand which cause me to giggle.

'Ellis I can smell that uncle Alex made you scrambled eggs and toast.' Before I needed to say anything else she jumped up wrapping her arms around my neck.

'Mornin Muma.'

'Sunshine.' I picked her up and took her downstairs for breakfast.

'Hey Alex.'

'Unwle Alex'

'Hi Mer, and hello Ellis. Good sleep?' He pointed at her hair.

I sat Ellis to the table and Alex placed her barbie plate with her breakfast on in front of her. I walked over to the already brewed coffee and poured Alex and I a cup.

'So Mer, I know after everything you told me yesterday your not sure about Derek-'

'Alex I don't want to talk about it-'

'No Mer, listen to me okay just hear me out. I know your looking for a reason to not trust him. But I have seen the way he looks at you and you him. I spoke to him here and there he seems a genuinely nice guy. Just give him a chance you could be surprised.'

'When did you get like this.' I laughed.

'Oh shut up. I'll take Ellis to school for you, and you get your butt off to work and go see Shepherd.'

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