Chapter 30

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Meredith was sitting alone on the couch trying to think what she could do. Finn was in the next room maybe if she was quiet and fast enough she could make a run for the door. Meredith carefully stood up and hesitantly stepped towards the door. She smiled as she reached the handle she couldn't believe that she was going to make it out. As she grabbed the handle she wiggled it scared that it was locked. The moment that she realised it wasn't a flood of joy crushed into her, she couldn't believe it he had left it unlocked. She turned her head to see if he was there and to her surprise he wasn't. She hated the unknowing feeling now planted in her.

"Meredith" His voice called from the kitchen, rather calm for someone who has just taken another hostage.

She took that moment and flung the door open to escape. She had no clue where she was but she figured she could establish what to do as she approached that bridge. She was in a long hallway which held the entrance to the other apartments. She didn't recognise them why would she? She had no idea where she was. She decided to go left down the hall but was met again by the same layout confusing her she chose left again but now it felt like a maze.

Finn had left the kitchen when there was no response from Meredith he switched as though like a switch into a bad mood because he had been ignored. His anger rised when he entered the living room and saw it was empty but the apartment door was wide open. He looked down as he noticed she had left her shoes, she can't get far without her shoes. He laughed.

"MEREDITH! Where do you think you are going! I was in the middle of cooking us a nice meal and you do this?! I thought we were starting fresh!" He yelled out in the hall slamming his fist in the wall.
He grabbed the same fist with his other hand as he held onto it to cover the blood from his now bleeding knuckles.

She heard him which meant he was close and here she was stuck down the same gut wrenching cream striped hallway. She could hear her heart beating to the sound of Finn's feet. She was becoming out of breath and didn't know how close he was which increased her anxiety. She was much smaller than him how would she even fight him off if he caught her. As she turned down the next hall her hand clung to the wall as though pulling her away from him.


In bright bold colours there was a fire exit and she pushed to get there, she pushed to ensure that he wouldn't catch her. If she wasn't doing it for herself then she was doing it for Ellis.

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