Chapter 29

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Alex tried her cell again there was still no reply. Meredith wanted him to grab Ellis except she should have been back by now it was 11pm.

"Did she pick up yet?" Derek questioned joining the kitchen.

"Nope" he slammed the phone on the counter.

"Let me try calling her" he said pulling his phone from his pocket.

"She didn't answer for me so doubt she will answer for you."
"She better not" he muttered as a joke.

"No nothing."

"When did you last speak with her. This is so out of character for her" Alex glared.

"Around 2 to do the presentation. Is it possible that she has gone to a friends or is she with any family?"

"She doesn't have any friends nor family here. Besides she would have at least let someone know."

Derek was surprised at Alex's statement. Meredith didn't have anyone.

Those thoughts were interrupted by the soft voice coming from by kitchen door. "I can't sleep." Alex swiftly moved across the room and picked Ellis up "Let's go sunshine, how about I read you a story?" She layed her head on his shoulder and gave Derek a tired smile as she was carried upstairs.



Meredith's eyes shot open as she woke up. It was dark out and she was in an unknown car, driving who knew where. Suddenly it all flooded back to her at what had just happened. She slowly peered to her left and saw Finn driving. He was smiling tapping away happily at the wheel as though nothing was wrong she never saw him smile and she noticed he had grown a beard. She didn't know he realised she was awake until he reached his hand in the back and pulled a bunch of roses to the front.

"Glad you're awake. I'm sorry about that little... incident earlier, I got your favourite flowers to make it up to you."

At first she stared at them worried to make a wrong move he forcefully pushed them towards her again, she hesitantly took them this time. She looked down at them they had been crumpled and bent by Finn she saw her situation reflect through them. She never liked roses Sadie did, not her. Meredith preferred lilies or lavender, Derek knew that. She jumped at the hard grip on her thigh where Finn had just placed his hand. 

"Finn what do you want?" She adjusted in her seat.

"I've missed you and I know you must have missed me."

"Finn I haven't even thought about you." She lied, she was reminded of what he did everyday.
"After what you did to me."

"And I told you I was sorry!" He shouted.

She nodded her head in fear agreeing even though that wasn't true.

"Oh I didn't mean to scare you, why are you scared of me!" He demanded suddenly.

She reminded herself that she had grown up since she last saw him and rightly so there was no need to be scared of him.
"I don't know Finn maybe the fact that the last time you saw me you beat me over not knowing I was pregnant."

"I couldn't believe you aborted our baby but I look at it now and think you were just trying to do what was best for the both of us. I just can't believe I hadn't realised sooner. If you had our baby it would have destroyed your life and mine so it's good you took that leap for us."

She was thrown off by what he had said what disturbed her was the fact he actually believed all this. Though she was thankful at the same time as he wouldn't know about Ellis.

"Look Finn I'm seeing someone so this isn't going to work out. And might I add that again you don't care for what I want, what made you think that I would want to be with you."

"Don't say that. I know you're upset."

"Damn right I am now turn this car around will you for god sake."

"I can't do that. We are going to go back to my apartment and start fresh you will love it I promise."


"Where is the chief?" Burke asked in the attendings lounge looking smug.

"Doesn't seem to be in today" Alex huffed joining the room.

"Slacking off already. She lasted longer than I expected" He chuckled pouring himself a coffee.

"Oh just mind your business" Teddy added joining in the conversation.


"I will see you later on for pick up" Derek bent down as he dropped Ellis off for school.

She leant in and hugged him before they pulled apart. The teacher came to the door and went to guide Ellis in. Derek was slightly embarrassed by the fact he had sent her in wearing miss matched socks and soon realised her hair was just flowing down her back instead of prettily tied like Meredith would do. 
"I haven't seen you before, you must be Ellis' father" Mrs Kingsley held her hand out.

"Oh no, no I'm not her father just dropping her off" He awkwardly laughed.

"Oh sorry. My mistake."

"No need to apologise" he smiled heading out the door in a hurry. He checked his watch and saw he was already running 40 minutes behind he didn't know how Meredith managed to do it all then juggle chief position.  

His worries were growing worse and worse for Meredith she still hadn't come home from last night. He and Alex had agreed that if there was no word from Meredith then they would need to contact the police though Derek could tell that Alex knew something and he wasn't telling.

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