Chapter 35

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When can I see Ellis?
Meredith scribbles this on the whiteboard daily. She has waited days patiently for the answer to be today and not one that would end up resulting in "not today Meredith."

Richard had been filling in for Meredith which she hadn't known about. There was a whole uproar between the attendings on who should be acting chief of surgery. Which resulted in Miranda calling up her old mentor who had the right resume for the job. Meredith hadn't known what had happened and so when he arrived at the hospital and discovered the news he wanted to see the security footage immediately.

Both Alex and him scrolled through the camera footage. There was no office camera footage other than outside of it. The moment Alex saw the footage he recognised the man exiting her office, he was a little older now since he last saw him. From a short previous introduction, Alex knew this guy was going to cause trouble, and clearly he was right. Now that he knew who had hurt Meredith. He just had to figure out where this man was.


It was another day when Meredith couldn't speak, the words she wanted. There wasn't an explanation as to why.
This meant Derek would spend every spare moment wanting to find out what had caused this. Several CT scans and constant examinations of her x-rays kept Derek up at night. When he had to tell her the news that he was still yet to solve what was wrong with her he noticed she hadn't changed any emotion. Which made him think there was more to this than what met the eye. Was she not speaking on purpose?

"Meredith" Derek called knocking on the door as he entered.

He saw her sleeping, peacefully this time so didn't want to disturb. The last few weeks she hadn't been sleeping well though when he brought it up she would wave her hand motioning him to go away and when he asked her again she snapped throwing a vase.

Instead he sat in the chair beside her and reached out to hold her hand. He wanted her to know she wasn't alone. He also felt rather lonely. Ever since her and Ellis entered his life he enjoyed their company even if they ate junk food and were extremely talkative. But he loved that.
Whilst Meredith was in the hospital he decided to remove some of his workload and look after Ellis. He didn't want to make anything more difficult for her so decided to just crash at Mer's house. He felt awkward at first but then with Ellis practically taking him under her wing he relaxed more.
It was different to say the least , less work and more time to spare. He'd got to know Ellis better she loves baseball, scooby-doo and playing cowboys or as she keeps reminding him , cowgirls. Everyday after he picked her up from school they would practice baseball quite often loosing the ball which meant Derek was always at the store buying foam balls.

"Dr Shepherd they need you in the O.R. 2" A male nurse said to him.

"Is it urgent?"

"It's Dr Karev, infant needs an emergency craniotomy."

"Oh. Yeah okay I'll be right there" he said as she left.

"I'll be back soon" he said squeezing Meredith's hand as he got up.

As Derek left before the door he chance to fully shut the same nurse re-entered Meredith's room. He saw her. She was asleep. He took this as a chance to go over to her bedside. He hand covered the emergency call button which he slowly moved away out of her reach. Once it was on the floor he climbed into the bed to be next to her. She didn't wake as he moved her over.

"Hey Meredith I missed you. I'm sorry about what happened. You know how I get. I just get so... so angry. You know I love you and never meant to hurt you. I hope you can forgive me. I know you can." He brushed his hands through her hair which caused her to stir. He moved his face towards her placing his thumb on her lips.

"Her eyes groggily opened before shooting wide."



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