Chapter 10

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Meredith's POV:

Ellis was watching cartoons when I came back in the living room I perched down at the end of the sofa and watched her. Her face was lit up by the tele, she was watching  Scooby Doo Where Are You? Lately she had taken an interest in it and always wanted to watch it. This evening I was planning on grabbing some take out and watching a film with Ellis so in order to get off work at a decent time, today was going to be filled up with paperwork.

A voice came from the kitchen ' So Mer I was looking at places here and I finally found one.' 

'Oh is it near?'

'Mhmm' Alex smiled showing me the iPad. I enjoy having Alex about so it was a little hard knowing he was moving out but it's not like I wont see him everyday.

'Oh that looks great.' I smiled.

'Yeah, means that you will actually have to finish getting this place together. I helped unpack most the boxes Mer but you need to finish setting up.'

'I know I know I will go out to a hardware store grab some paint before I go searching for bits.'

'You better Ellis needs her own space Mer, anyway can I grab a lift with you into work.'

'Yeah you can, Ellis is coming into the hospital with me today as her school have an inset day god knows what for.' 

'Ah cool slight issue Mer we have 10 mins to go and Ellis is still glue to the TV sat in her sunshine pyjamas.' Alex laughed pointing at the small girl.

'Oh god... Ellis come on we need to get you changed you're coming to work with mommy and uncle Alex.' I said holding my hand out for her to take. She hesitantly took my hand as she would be drawn away from the tele. I really needed to get a move on with finishing the house as Ellis' clothes are in this old battered wardrobe plus she needs more clothes as we lost one of her suitcases when we moved here which had all the outfits in it. This weekend I was going shopping without a doubt. I grabbed a cute little white and purple dress for her to wear with a little sunhat to match from out of the mini wardrobe. Once she was dressed and ready I carried her down on my hip and noticed Alex was already waiting in the car for me. 


We all got out of my car and headed into the hospital I was still holding onto Ellis around my hip. It's strange I have always been scared about people finding me and that fear lead on to my daughter. I hate my past because still even to this day it is following me. Even though I am still slightly nervous bringing her into work doesn't seem to be an as bigger deal as I thought. She will be in my office this morning doing some colouring maybe.

'Bye Elly pop.' Alex said kissing her on the cheek. Ellis giggled in response waving her hand goodbye in a large wave. I headed off to the elevators that  would lead to my office. When I walked in I noticed the same piercing blue eyes.

'Chief Grey.' Derek smiled.

'Good morning Dr Shepherd.' I nodded my head back to acknowledge him. That was when I noticed the little blonde I was holding trying to wiggle out of my hold onto the ground. I helped her down so that she was now holding my hand beside me. As I looked down at her I heard the elevator bell ring I looked to check if it was our stop, it was not.

'Chief Grey! Chief Grey!' 2 loud voices called coming onto the lift. Burke and Altman. Great...

'Chief Grey you did not seriously hire someone for my department without consulting me!'

'Dr Burke if you would like to refrain from shouting especially towards me then that would be appreciated. Meet me in my office in 10 minutes if you want to discuss anything further. Now if you will excuse me Ellis and I are off. Good morning Teddy.' I spoke whilst moving out the elevator I would rather take the stairs.

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