Chapter 25

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3 weeks had passed and Derek and Meredith were getting on together, they had gone on a few dates and he was even getting on with her daughter Ellis, something Mer was glad about. Derek had also finally admitted to Mark that he really liked Meredith and all Mark would reply with was what a great ass she has.

It was a Sunday and Derek was hanging out with Mark playing baseball at the local pitch just down by the hospital, they often joined in with people who were already there. He had originally invited Meredith and Ellis as he had recently learnt that Ellis though she was very young liked baseball. She would sometimes watch it on the tele and Meredith told him that Alex would often play it with her but with a foam bat n ball. However Meredith said that they were going to hangout with her friend Teddy today who Derek had only just realised was the woman Burke was constantly complaining about.

"SHEP WATCH OUT!" Mark shouted across the field . Clearly Derek's day dreaming meant he wasn't focusing on everything going on around him. All he knew was that now he was on the ground in pain.
Mark came running over and knelt down to the ground beside him.
"Shep I'll call an ambulance can't have you moving that leg."


The ambulance had arrived and Derek was soon loaded onto the gurney sitting up.
"Mark I'm fine, it's just a broken leg I'll get Torres to go in and take a look at it for me."

'Derek you are lucky you didn't injure your hand man."

"I know, I know what even happened? It's all a sort of blur."

"Well you were obviously in your own world and decided to walk behind the guy who had jus hit the ball. Next thing I see is that, when he threw the bat down it clanged into your leg. Seriously this guy must have never played because he didn't drop the bat down like a normal person he looked as though he took anther swing chucking it" Mark laughed.

"Only me."

"Yeh your right it would only be you. What had you deep in thought? Well I could probably guess." He winked at him.

"I'm not talking to you about her anymore." Derek said holding his hands up to his face in an attempt to cover it.

"She has a great ass, tell her I really liked that red dress she wore the other day."

"Mark do you too want a broken leg?" He asked annoyed. Just before anymore could be said the ambulance doors swung open.

"What have you two got yourself into now?" Callie asked.

"Shep broke his leg by not looking where he was going" Mark laughed jumping out the ambulance.

"How did you not see where you were going?" She asked grabbing the side of his gurney as they went inside.

"He had his mind on a certain someone" Mark interrupted tapping Derek's leg causing him to wince.

"Ohh by a certain someone do you mean Meredith Grey?" Callie teased as she began assessing the leg.

"How do you know about that?"

"Mark's quite chatty."

"You told her? Just because you two are sex friends I would still prefer you keep any details about my life separate."

"Oh come on Derek don't get so sensitive" Mark added just before he walked away.

"We will get an x-ray which you know about obviously, O'Malley take Dr Shepherd up to x-ray then page me when you get the scans." Callie waved the resident over.

"Great" Derek muttered pushing his head back.



Meredith had come in a little later to her office today as she decided to help out in the clinic before she gets pulled into any meetings. But with it now approaching midday she was in fact off to a meeting, she wanted to get it over and done with as she was planning to do some research today on a recent idea she had thought of.

"Chief Grey" Ian beamed meeting her down the corridor but as her smile began it then faded because she looked down the corridor and didn't expect to see what she did causing Ian to turn his attention that way as well.
"What happened to you?" She rested her hand on Derek's gurney to stop it as he was being pushed down the corridor.

"Just a broken leg that's all, happens yesterday" He grabbed hold of her hand.

"Why am I only just finding out now, and like this?"

"I didn't want to worry you it's only a broken leg Mer" He rubbed her hand.

She made a quick decision there and then with a worried brow looking at him even though she knew it was just a broken leg "You're staying with me till that's healed."

"Excuse me" He laughed thinking she was joking.

"Well you won't be able to go home anyway without someone looking after you and I doubt there's someone at the trailer willing to do that unless you want to share some new details?"

"No there isn't. But Mark will be okay to help me if i need it which I don't" He challenged.

"Are you sure about that? One, the trailer in't that big everything will be a struggle and two, what if Mark is with some Nurse I'm sure he won't be rushing to you." She laughed.

"I guess so but-"

She then cut him off "Good it's settled you're staying with me I'll see you later, Ellis will be happy to see you." She then headed into the meeting with Ian who was giving a clearly jealous look to Derek.
"Oh whose Ellis?" Ian asked attempting to join the conversation except Meredith gave him an annoyed look.
A she went in, O'Malley was pushing his gurney down the hall she called out "By the way Ellis wants a pizza tonight!" She giggled knowing he would probably be sick of pizza by now as every time he came round it was all they ate.

Thank you for reading :) Check out my other book if you haven't already.
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