Chapter 2

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Derek's POV:

'I'm Dr Grey, Dr Meredith Grey.'

My jaw dropped I had heard about Meredith Grey in medical books but not once seen a photo of her. I presumed she was some old woman sat in a lab all day with 16 cats waiting for her at home. Except that was not her she's this young breath taking woman with beautiful greeny blue eyes and a smile that hugs your heart. Oh god I need to focus on the situation she's stolen my job and I'm crushing over her.

Once her introduction was over and Richard sent everyone back off to work some of the remaining head of departments stood around talking among themselves. That's when I walked over towards Richard and Dr Grey, Burke was not long behind me he obviously had a problem just like me.

'So you're Meredith Grey' Burke held his hand out 

'I am indeed' She stretched her arm out returning his handshake leaning her body over to him slightly to read his name tag. 'Dr Burke Head of cardio' She looked at me our eyes clashing.

'Dr Shepherd' I shook her hand flashing her a smile with my eyes.

She tilted her head 'Head of Neuro , I'll be seeing you a lot more.'

'Oh I thought you specialised in general surgery?' interrupted Burke.

'Yes I am, but I am a double board certified surgeon in both general and neuro.' She raised her brows and smiled. Everything wanting to make me hate her just makes me like her more her quick witted approach back to Burke made my day. The fact she is double board certified makes me even more interested in her.

'So Dr Grey managed to snatch Chief from the both of us Shepherd.' Dr Burke turned to me but stretching his question over to Dr Webber .

'Ah gentlemen, Mere- Dr Grey is an extremely talented surgeon as you have just heard -' before Richard could continue Dr Burke interrupted again.

'Well Dr Grey if you don't mind me asking how old you are? You look like you have absolutely no experience and fresh out of med school.' 

'Dr Burke-' Richard was again interrupted but instead this time by Meredith.

'No, no problem though in future Dr Burke I believe asking a lady her age is rather rude but I will let it slide this time.' she began laughing. 'I am young thankyou for observing though I have heard you like that in women.' Meredith gave a mischievous look insinuating she knew something, which quite clearly she did as Preston readjusted his posture. 'I went to medical school at 16 I was ahead of my class as you could tell by two years so whilst  my friends were still in high school I moved on.  I then buckled down even more finishing med school a year early making me 19 I applied for my internship then at 24 a year before my residency was due to finish I took my boards but I was still unsure which speciality to pick so I picked both. Received my results , I passed making me a double board certified surgeon at 24 and I was then offered Chief here at Seattle Grace at just 24 years old. How old are you Dr Burke?'

'You're extremely gifted Dr Grey, I don't believe your mother helped you in any of this?' Dr Burke was quite clearly trying to press her buttons but she brushed him off.

'Haha I wish, if that was the case I wouldn't ever be allowed to hold a scalpel I believe her last words to me were. Meredith you will never be good enough to be a surgeon.' An awkward silence filled the room. 'But look how wrong she was.' she added before turning the other way to head out the door. 'Oh and Dr Burke , Dr Shepherd I look forward to observing you two in surgery later.'

After hearing her say those words a deep pain came to me I don't know what it was maybe she was just joking but it didn't seem that way. I am still annoyed that Webber didn't give me the job but after hearing everything she just said I don't doubt she will do a good job. I came out here to Seattle for the job and now its gone. I'm not going to leave but maybe I should look into why I didn't become chief. She has no experience up against me. I walk over to Richard but before I even usher a word he holds his hand up to my face. 'I don't want to hear it Shepherd just give her a chance and you will see why she is chief . Just give her a chance. Please.' I don't know what it was but I guess I decided to give her a chance but I know she will be doing it all wrong.

Meredith's POV:

God that was an awful first introduction at the end I spoke to two doctors, Dr Shepherd and Dr Burke. Dr Burke clearly had a problem with me, what for I don't know I felt like I was swimming in a sea of toxic masculinity, but if there was one thing my mother ever taught me that was to never back down or be treated like anything less then what you were. I quickly brushed Burke off. Everyone underestimates me so I always find it rather amusing when proving them wrong. I walked up to my new office which Richa- I mean Dr Webber had showed me early this morning. The first thing I had to do was tell my best friend Alex about my conversation with Dr Burke. But also to mention the other Doctor there Dr Shepherd he was rather ... well I may or may not think he's rather dreamy that gorgeous smile he flashed. I sure hope he didn't notice me as I think I blushed just a little. My best friend is Alex Karev he gets me better then I understand myself. We both had kinda crappy childhoods which is why we probably get along he may be just a little older then me by 3 years but he as well skipped some years at school I guess you could say we make quite a good team. He is a peds surgeon and since I have moved here to Seattle I had left him over in Portland I have been missing him lately he's like the big brother I never had. So I was going to ask him to come over and see me and also consider my offer. I noticed in the files the hospital is in need of a new Head of Paediatrics so I knew he was the best guy to give it to.

Again a short chapter but should be updating later.

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