1 - Lost twin?

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  "Aren't the roses so pretty?" I said adoring the rose buds as I walked in my garden letting my hand faintly touch each of the roses in sight.

"Of course, those gardeners are paid well. If they weren't doing their job they would be fired." Daddy replied causing me and Felix to awkwardly chuckle and how serious he was 

Suddenly a rush of black clothing and midnight hair appeared into my view as my sapphire eyes caught his red ones.

"Why are you her-" my speech shortened as I felt it.

  A tusnami like force rushing at mad speed.

"You feel that too?" Lucas questioned turning around to see me and I noticed he scanned me as if making sure I wasn't the one causing trouble.

I nodded slowly slightly dazed from that feeling.

I guess Lucas sensed that first and that's why he's here.

I looked around trying to find out where the wave came from.

When I looked up I noticed a faint figure falling coming straight at us.

It looked like a bird?

An angel?

No wait ...

It's a human....

'Someones falling!' I thought alerted.

"Daddy." I called with a lot of urgency as I pointed up at the sky.

Daddy looked at me.

Nothing was done.


"Please daddy?" I begged.

Daddy sighed then raised his hand making her teleport to the ground instead of falling.

  I was about to complain to him when my words went silent as my eyes fell onto this person's face.

  I froze up.

  Everyone did, even daddy.

Other then Lucas who simply shrugged.

"Uh... Doesn't your majesty think she looks familiar?" Felix spoke his voice slightly shaking.



By that you mean looks like some long lost twin of mine!?

She was wearing a long sleeved black dress which went to her thighs and the top part was translucent and at her waist there was a black belt on top of that she wore some black high heel boots.

She was unconscious.

I looked at Lucas who only looked back at me.

"L-lucas... Who is she?" I asked assuming that Lucas had answers.

"Some lady that fell from the sky? What do you think I am a encyclopedia?" Lucas retorted not seeming annoyed but just picking a fight for the sake of it.

Probably not a good idea to insult me Infront of daddy but he wasn't concerned right now so Lucas would get away with it.

"Is there any way you can find out?" Daddy asked Lucas to my surprise.

  I mean we are talking about the man who can't rationalize that a human life is important and will kill with no second thought.

  And he was caring or well somewhat caring about a person who just fell from the sky!?

  I was expecting his non chalent behavior but then again what would you do if your daughter suddenly had a look alike fall from the sky.

  I would be pretty clueless too.

"I can look into her memories." Lucas offered already begining to cast the spell.

"Wait! Won't that make her see them too? I don't think she's in the condition to do that." I said staring at Lucas making him click his tongue and stop his spell.

I know Lucas and daddy probaly had no care over this girl but she's still a life!

"Your majesty, may I suggest to bring her to the emerald palace?" Felix spoke daringly.

"What? Your old age must have gotten to you. That place is for the princes-"

"Technically she is a Princess. It won't be far off to say she's me from another world. Right Lucas?" I said shooting Lucas a look that meant 'Agree or else.' while I stood Infront of the girl as if I was a protective barrier between my daddy and this girl.

Lucas sighed and nodded going along with me.

"Alright, Felix take her to the emerald palace. I'll continue my walk with my daughter." Daddy ordered.


But I wanna go with her!!!!

"I mean no offense your majesty but it would be best to propone your walk with the princess untill later. We have guest and as proper manners we should tend to them. Don't you want the princess to be a amazing queen in the future?" Lucas said covering me.

Thank you!

Lucas looked so proud of himself but I didn't even care right now since for once he did do something worth congratulating.

Okay maybe that's a little bit mean but sometimes he doesn't know what is worth going "wow good job" and what was "what the hell have you done...?"

"Fine, take care of her brat." Daddy said giving up.

"I'll be with his majesty. I'm sure you two can handle yourself." Felix said excusing himself and daddy.

Without even telling me anything Lucas teleported me, him and the girl to my bedroom with the girl sitting on a couch.

"Really Lucas?" I asked him seeing the girl on the couch.

"What? Why should a nobody like her get to sleep in your bed?" Lucas retorted.

I sighed.

I can't ever have anything done for me correctly can I!?

I myself went towards the girl held her hand and teleported the both of us into a guest room.

Yes touching wasn't needed for teleportation but it made it easier.

And I'm not exactly an expert at teleporting people yet.

But I can make permeant coins...?

Lucas appeared beside me as the girl was now in bed no thanks to him.

I'll have to tell lily about her later...

And arrange a eating schedule.

And then budget it out.




That's gonna take while...

"Can you check up on her?" I asked feeling the headache of my sudden realization of the amount of paperwork I have increased for myself.

"You seem to be mistaking me for a doctor. I am a magician." Lucas told me but still did as I told him.

I wonder who she is...

She looks just like me...


You won't think...


She wouldn't be...

"You might want to see this." Lucas told me.

Yeah... No way...

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