5 - kill lily

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  I have no idea what's going through that women's head for her to so easily accept a girl who's from another dimension!

It's as if she's Jennette and that women is pitying others again!

I sighed as I teleported myself into the changelings room.

Using a invisibility spell to hide myself.

Her mana was enormous.

The more I look the more shocked I am.

But it's an ant compared to mine of course.

She reincarnated before just like the princess...

I floated in the air and waited for someone to come in.

"Athanasia?" I heard lily call knocking the door which was very different from most others as her knocks are so soft that you can barely hear it.

"Come in." The changeling replied.

Her voice is slightly lower then the princess.

She also tended to have her eyes half open as if she was always glaring at someone and analyzing them plus she almost never smile genuinely unlike the princess, she would only grin at most.

"I want to introduce you to someone." Lily said coming into the room and stepping to the side.

The changeling looked intriguing and curious about what lily was referring to.

"Meet Felix." Lily said stepping to the side letting the redhead step into view.

I immediately noticed how her mana fluctuate.

"Lily get away from that man!" The changeling yelled.

She manifested a sword in her hand.

She immediately went for Felix who managed to doge it.

I knew this would happen.

And this is exactly why you only introduce them with adult supervision.

Aka with me watching since no one's more responsible then myself.

"Would you idiots calm down?" I asked making myself known.

"He'll kill lily." The changeling said changing from attacking to defending as she turned around and faked going for Felix but quickly turned around as she was about to knock into lily then she stood there holding her defensive stance.

I sighed.

I casted a barrier around her since casting a spell on her would be close to deadly.

For her of course.

"Hey! Let me out!" She yelled trying to escape as she casted several spells that all backfired on her.

Within a few minutes she did get out though.

"You got out. I would've been disappointed if you didn't. After all your the replica of the princess." I said as a magic circle started appearing around her trapping her.

I knew she wasn't going to get out of that one.

"What's going on sir magican?" Felix asked having his sword in his hand and looking shocked.

"Felix you should know how to defend yourself. Aren't you the so called crimson blood?" I questioned slightly annoyed that he almost got hurt which would've got the princess upset.

"Sorry sir! I wasn't expecting to be attacked..." Felix said making a lame excuse for himself still in shock of what just happened and in a daze.

"Your a knight. Isn't there a training to be prepared at all times?" I lectured not liking how the best knight in obelia was this careless.

  At this rate I would never trust anyone with the princess other then myself.

"Sir magican, take it easy on felix." Lily told me.

I couldn't say anything against lily if I still wanted my biscuits...

I sighed.

"Hey! Let me out!" The changeling screamed.

"I- I need to protect lily..."the changeling said as if she was choking through a sob.

Talk about mood change.

"Listen changeling. You have two options. Calm down or die?" I asked in a monotonous voice while shrugged.

I didn't care for her minor existence.

"Try and kill me, I dare you!" She replied baring her teeth as if she were soooo scary.

Does she think she's intimidating?


"Who said I'll kill you? You will kill yourself." I replied grinning not caring if she did indeed kill herself.

  Well I can't let her die but that doesn't mean I can't let her suffer from herself.

She looked shocked.

This bug doesn't even know she can die at any moment how stupid.

"Wha-what do you mean?" She asked stampering on her words as if her death scared her.

I just grinned.

I loved being a know it all.

"Tell me!" She cast a spell on accident making a energy ball that blasted through my barrier.

I quickly casted a spell to protect everything around her so that she doesn't hurt the palace since I don't want to have to sit there and watch the princess torture herself trying to split more budget for fixing the palace.

"Tch! Seems like I have no choice." I sighed then snapped my fingers since I saw how out of control this changling was.

She looked shocked by herself.

Out of nowhere she started stumbling back and forth while holding her head.

Her eyes shut close completely counselling her blood red eyes as her skin already pale skin went paler almost ghost like.

"Athanasia!" Lily called rushing towards the changeling.

Just as the changeling was about to hit the floor Felix caught her and sighed out relieved.

I just stood there and shrugged.

If she dies she dies, well not that she would die for good.

  Maybe stopping her heart for a few moments isn't exactly the best thing for her but it's not like I cared.

"Miss. Miss!" Felix shook her but she didn't budge.

"I put a sleeping spell on her. Just bring her to her room." I told Felix who didn't question me.

Felix carried her princess style into her room and placed her down while lily buried me under an avalanche of questions.

"How is she?"

"Will she be okay?"

'if you werent my biscuit provider and the princesses nanny I would've already shut you up.' I thought.

"She will be fine. Can you go infrom the princess of the happenings that occured here? I'm sure she's coming this way as we speak." I told lily and just nice we both heard loud footsteps that only got louder as the princess was probably running.

I teleported myself into the room

'Lets see what kind of a mess this changeling made....'

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