8 - Don't get attached

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  "Athanasia... I'm sorry..." A men with said sitting on one of the many oak trees that surrounded the emerald palace.

He had one leg hanging off the tree and the other one propped up on the tree with his one hand resting on his propped up leg and the other resting on the side of him.

"I can't help you... He can though." The man said sadly to himself his voice showed all the dread he felt.

"You need to leave here. You'll die if you stay too long, you've gotten too attached did you not realize?" He questioned through the shade of the tree which provided coverage so that none of his facial features could be shown.

"I'm sorry, it's for the better. I don't even know if I can see you anytime soon since I can't exactly get in here easily. Bye. I'll miss you." He said as he stood up and had both his legs on the tree with his black cloak and long black pants that were both plain in order to perfectly match the darkness.

~Lucas POV~

"What a sad story." I commented watching the dark figure leave through tree jumping.

I couldn't believe the idiocies of some people, do you really think you can infiltrate into the palace without anyone noticing?

Does no one remember that the palace has guards and not to mention that the only magician of the black tower was currently residing in the palace?

Foolish really.

I casted a tracking spell on him making sure that I would know what to report to the princess when she wakes up.

Yes she was still sleeping under that tree but I assure you she is perfectly fine.

There are at least 8 different protection spells on her and 3 of them are deadly and 2 of them are alerters.

What do I mean by alerters? I mean they cause a massive explosion which I was sure that at least one of us would hear.

Speaking of which I should probably transport her to her room.

I snapped my fingers and teleported myself to the tree which I left the princess at.

"Your so defenseless." I told her kneeling down to check if she was still asleep.

I swear if it wasn't for me and that dad of yours you would be dead by now.

I snapped my fingers and teleported the two of us over to her room with her lying down in her bed while I stood beside her and using my magic I teleported a chair behind me as I say down having full confidence that the chair would be behind me.

The changeling isn't awake right now and frankly speaking I'm not in the mood to do any work which that old men keeps throwing at me.

I relaxed into the chair thinking to myself if I should use this chance to get some rest but of course I wasn't given the luxury of rest and I realized that when I checked on the princess.

My eyes drifted from her blond locks to her currently closed eyes and her resting face, slowly it drifted to the desk that was on the side of her room shoved into a corner.

I lifted my finger and casted a doll spell to make a look alike sit there and actually be doing her work and using magic I changed the princesses clothing from her causal wear to her nightgown since it would be more comfortable.

I scrunched up my face in disgust as I noticed the obnoxious amount of mana she had lingering around her.

"What are you a child?" I asked shifting my position in the chair so I got comfortable since I knew this would take awhile.

I took a part of her blond lock and twirled it in my finger and watced how her hair started to glow from the point of contact with my finger all the way to the roots of her hair.

This is going to take a few hours at best isn't it ...?

I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter again won't I....

The things I do for her....

~Athanasia POV~

Is it morning...?

I don't want to open my eyes yet...

The sun is too glaring...

Why is the window even opened..?

"Oi, get up." I heard someone say, judging from the distance I would say they were sitting beside my bed.

My flight or fight instincts didn't kick in as I immediately knew who was the person calling me.

Who else would talk this rudely to the future ruler of obelia other then the self entitled, egoistic and vain magician of the black tower.

"Are you that tired?" He asked seeming to be more sympathetic then annoyed after I didn't reply him.

But the annoyed was definitely still there which was understandable since I was the princess who was supposed to take care of all the paper work but Instead was lying down in bed wanting to sleep.

I nodded still having my face shoved into my pillow trying to shield my eyes from the light the sone through the balcony window.

"Hah... You know what, fine. Sleep." He told me as I heard the chair drag against the floor meaning he got up from his seat and several footstep sounds which meant he was walking.

My ears perked up at his words since it was strange of him to give up and just let me sleep, normally he would drag me out of bed if needed.

I opened my eye as best as I could despite them feeling like they had weights on them and saw Lucas walking around my room and a double Athanasia on the seat beside him doing the paper work that he sat there and checked through them.


My brain was still sleepy and begging me to go back to sleep which caused me to barely register everything that was right Infront of me.

You know what...

Sleep does sound like a good option...

I'll just close my eyes for awhile...

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