18 - Changling presence

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  "You've been extra busy lately." Daddy told me sitting in his chair while I sat opposite him with felix being at his same position with the same guarding pose.

"Yeah, I've just been needing to do arrangements." I replied to daddy my body being here but soul being at my desk facing my stack of papers.

Daddy just nodded as we sat there in silence with felix looking at me slightly concerned.

Goosebumps rised on my skin as I jumped up making my chair go backwards while I fell to the side.



I did not expect that...

I was on the floor with the chair behind beside me and no injury but slightly awoken.

I swear I felt someone touch my shoulder out of nowhere!

I looked up to see daddy half way motion towards me as if he tried to catch me and Felix in the same position.


"Sorry, I scared myself on accident." I told them with an awkward laugh as I tried to stand up.



Okay... Let's just stay on the floor for now.

I don't have any other choice do it?

Daddy and Felix seemed to relax after their eyes scanned that I was fine and went back to their location.

My legs started moving on their own and I went back into my seat without my own control like the time Lucas moved me.

I smiled as I continued to drink my Lippe tea like I didn't just totally get freaked out.

I really hope that my body moving on its own was Lucas because or else I will actually panic, is he using an invisibility spell right now?

I looked around.

Right he's the magician of the black tower how would I be able to notice, just pretend like you totally know what the hell is going on right now.


That'll work out fine!

  Just pretend I know what's going on, like what daddy tells me to do when I'm facing idiotic Nobels!

  This is practice!

~Lucas POV~

"Lucas,I'm going to go meet daddy so I'll come back soon." The princess told me waving a goodbye as she left the room leaving me to sit in the seat beside hers in her room.

Should I be feeling this uneasy...?

Maybe it's because of the accident yesterday.

It's weird, first there was a strange lingering in the mana then she proceeds to just fall of the ladder out of nowhere.

I have a suspension on what is going on but I need the uncle who I have an idea where he is but I can't go there to find him.

I should just follow the princess just Incase.

I snapped my fingers and went to her location at the same time having an invisibility spell so that I won't be seen.

I sat beside the princess and listened to their conversation.

"You've been extra busy lately."

I looked over at the princess as I quickly got bored and started to cover whatever else was said.

Strange... Why is her mana moving...?

I reached over trying to just stabilize her mana.



I didn't mean to scare her ....

I wanted to save her before it occured to me that her dad was right there and doing anything would basically mean more work load and less time to help the princess.

I casted a healing spell and a soften spell on the ground so at least she shouldn't feel any impact or pain or injury for that matter.

"Sorry, I scared myself on accident." She said as if sensing how awkward and concerning the aura around the two old man was.

I noticed her shifting her hands under her as if preparing to stand up yet she just kept them there.


Is this caused by the changlings presence...?

Her expression remainded normal as she seemed to not have any strength to stand.

I should probably help her .

I covered for her and made her move against her own will to sit down on the chair.

She seemed to panic slightly but was fine overall.

And her mana... Fixed itself...?

After that incident the rest of the tea was fine.

The strength was given back to the princess legs so I didn't need to help her with moving her own legs.

"Lucas please tell me your the one around me right now because I will scream if that isn't you." She spoke while still walking like she was talking to mid air.

"If it wasn't me that person would've been blown into pieces." I spoke removing the invisibility spell as the princess let out a sigh of relief.

"Was that you who touched my shoulder?" She asked me.

"Don't say it like that,your mana was fluctuating." I told her being mindful of how she just made me sound like a complete pervert.

Who does she think I am?

"Why would it...? I wasn't around Saeon or Jennette nor was I panicking that much." She asked me.

"There's an issue ..."

~??? POV~

"Come on!" I yelled at the tree preparing another fireball in my hand.

"I don't have all day you stupid tree." I told it clicking my tounge.

"I'm not giving you any branches! " The tree said waving it's branches Infront of me like it was taunting a child with candy.

Come on, I don't know how long she'll last here!

"Hey you." I told the man who stood there seeming to be in a daze after 1 hour of this non stop fighting between me and this stubborn thing.

"Help out won't you? Or are you going to keep standing there like an idiot." I asked him watching how he snapped back into reality.

"But it's th-"

"Most selfish three of all time? " I finished his scenetence for him.

"Either you help and get a branch of this is going straight to you and I don't really care if you don't survive." I threatened getting annoyed at his slow reaction.


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