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  "Of course..." She said keeping her head down and her voice sounding semi muffled as her whole body tensed up.

I knew Lucas was giving me the are you crazy look but I couldn't care right now she was more important.

I noticed her breathing in and out refusing to reply me untill she had regained her composure.

"But I have no reason to." She said her voice turing cold again as she sat down on a chair and looked at me with eyes that showed no light.


But I thought.

"Why?" I asked.

"There is nothing here that I have to stay for." She told me shrugging as if it was the most obvious thing as she twirled a strand of her hair around her index finger.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything.

But nothing came out, words refused to fall out of my mouth as the room drowned in silence.

She was right ...

There's nothing that she has here....

  She truely had no reason to stay here...

"Princess? Are you in here?" I heard lily call from outside the door.

"Yes." I called hearing the door open after my permission was given and the sound of foodsteps approaching me.

"I was looking for you, Felix told me about your guest." Lily said genuinely curious about who was the new person in the palace as it was not common for me to bring anyone.

I turned around and watched as lily's eyes slowly drifted to saeon opening wide to show her shock and completely baffled feeling at saeons face.

"Lily...." Saeon spoke catching my attention since I didn't expect her to have a reaction.

As my eyes landed on saeon I witness the deva saeon, eyes start to water as of she was about to burst into tears any moment.

Where did the insultive girl suddenly disappear to!?

"It's really you..." Saeon slowly stood up and walked towards the confused lily who stood there frozen still in shock of saeon's appearance.

"Your alive." Saeon looked so happy.

Or should I say she looked so hopeful.

Saeon's arms hesitantly reached around lily as she leaned in to wrap her arms around the brunette.

I was witnessing some drama going on and I didn't have popcorn, now that is a crime.

Lily smiled and returned the hug being the motherly person she was.

'Whats going on...'

I looked at Lucas who had a bland expression.

Does he not care!?

"Yes I don't care. But if your asking what's going on I would assume the lily in her dimension died." Lucas replied.


When did he start reading minds!?

"I don't have to, your expression gives you away." Lucas told me.

I looked over at the two.

Lily had a soft smile on her face.

She was born to be a mother.

"Oh my. Are you crying? There's no need to cry." Lily spoke.

How was she so friendly to someone she doesn't know!?

The fate of the forgotten princessWhere stories live. Discover now