22 - outing (2)

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  "No one important." I replied putting down the gem and sighing, all low quality which was strange since they all emitted high mana yet were of low quality.

A red ruby gem caught my eye, it's function is something like a staff that helps unprofessional magicians cast spells.

The ruby was on a pastel dull purple ribbon.

"I'll take this one, how much?" I asked her picking up the gem and tying the ribbon around my wrist admiring it as she handed me a orb.

"Just one, that one isn't of that much importantance." The lady told me as I placed my hand on the orb and felt my mana slowly leave my hand and enter the orb, the once dull grey orb turned into a reddish colour as I passed the orb back to her and turned around.

"Come on, don't tell me your just going to stand there the rest of this trip." I said looking at how jihee and the black magician froze watching me.

"I didn't know you knew a place like this." Jihee said seeming cautious of me, I shrugged my shoulders not replying.

I just went where my gut told me to go, it's strange it's almost like I knew where to go, I don't have any memories of this...

As I stepped out I walked to the town noting how the magician was keeping a even closer eye and jihee was freaked out.

"Miss! Athy miss!" I heard someone say, I looked to the side and saw a little girl running up to me.

"Wendy? What are you doing here?" I spoke without a single thought as the name slipped out of my mouth like I had knew her name which was strange since I've never see her before.

"Mama told me last time that if I see a friend I should say hello, so I'm here to say hello." Wendy replied me smiling with her brown eyes closed, I smiled silently laughing.

"Where is your friend? The magic brother!" She proceeded to ask me, I stopped and looked at her with a question mark not really sure what she was saying.

"Oh, hi magic brother!" She peeped behind me and waved to the black tower magician, now I was really lost and clueless.

The magician smiled and waved seeming to just pretend like he totally knew what was going on, or maybe he had figured it out and isn't telling me since he does seem like a know it all.

"You should go back to your mother, don't want her to worry right?" The magician said hinting for the little girl to go away not that she would notice since she was just a naive kid who shouldn't know how to detect the hidden meaning in words.

"Oh right, bye magician brother and miss athy!" Wendy said waving goodbye as she darted away leaving me just standing there feeling lost, very very lost.

It was that kind of, I don't even know who I am anymore kind of lost not the I don't know my way lost.

Really, what is going on...

~??? POV~

Finally, that damn bastard stubborn tree didn't have to waste all of that valuable time of mine!

Seriously! It's not that hard to just use some mana and bam I get the branch he gets a branch and everything is all fine and dandy.

Now I need to go find if athanasia is still here...

I hope she's gone, the backlash of being someone else your not is not pretty nor fun to deal with for me.

When she sees me she's going to beat me up so badly, lucky I'm stronger then her or she would leave me in a frozen ice cube and just say "karma's a bitch."

Seriously, I have no clue where she gets her lines from... Probably her pervious life time.

I teleported to where she would be if she were still in this dimension.

I'm... At the town in obelia...?

I wonder if she remembers the 1 month we spent here after she got transported here on accident by that guy who wasn't helpful at all in getting the world tree branch.

I don't think she would since her memories of this place should've been erased....

Right, just another reason I'll get beaten the moment she sees me, I hope she beats me her silent treatment is far worse and when she does nothing and smiles it's just guilt tripping.

I looked around immediately spotting athanasia.

She was with the other athanasia and... Me? Well me in this dimension.

Why is she still in this dimension..?

I followed in silence with an invisibility spell behind the group as they walked into the market, I noticed how alot of people came up to athanasia to say hi or tell her about the latest deal in the market.

She spoke and talked with names included.

How did she remember their names? Is thing a flaw in my spell?

No, it's probably just faded overtime with the obnoxious amount of things that would weaken my spell.

I wonder why she's still here, I sent her there with the one reason of getting her home safe but they haven't sent her home yet.

I mean I got a branch of the world tree so now I can send her home myself which I will do as soon as possible for the sake of her.

I was mildly aware that this world Lucas probably knew I was right here and he probably figured out what had happened, I guess his athanasia is similar to mine so she got attached to her counterpart and she's upset for my athanasia to go home.

Too kind for their own good I swear.

I am assuming he hasn't told her the full story since she would only get more upset, other then the one wimp who didnt get chosen all the other athanasia liked Lucas or maybe it was the other way around and we are all just far too charming.

Okay off topic.

"Hey, I know your there." 

I jumped hearing her voice.



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