20 - Books, fly!

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  I shrugged unbothered by any identity crisis he could be having, it wasn't my business.

"The princess speaks politely even when she's not in a favourable mood." He told me as if he was reciting off a scroll.

"Wow, good to know princess encyclopedia." I said sarcasm evident in my voice as I slammed my book closed, my mood ruined to read in silence.

"I am simply observent." He remarked as if my comment was a mistake in spelling and wording.

"What do you want?" I asked him putting the book back into the self neatly and looking at his golden eyes which disgusted me.

"Do you know where the princess is?" He questioned observing me like a fascinating specimen.

"No, probably with the magician of the black tower or whatever his fancy name is. Should've just named him as jerk in the history books." I grumbled the last part out as a headache hit me and I slightly lowered my head to rub my temples.

:"If I'm a jerk then what are you? A idiot?"

Shut up.

"I see..." He replied frowning slightly as he took one of the books in the library.

The way he looked at the book was as if it had offended him in the worse way possible and cursed his whole family to death or something.

'the wizard and the princess.' the title wrote.

Only then it occured to me that the princess library actually has a lot of wizard books, some romance some mystery.

Did she like wizards...?

Silently my mind clicked and realized the scene that was slowly forming in my head.

She likes him? Seriously? Does this dimension me have to have such a horrible taste of man! Then again no man is good.

"If you are trying to rip that book apart your doing it wrongly, plus the princess would be mad." I told him as he sighed seeming to silently agree with what I said placing the book back on the shelf.

"Would you like to go on a walk?" He offered looking at my direction as if it was a very VERY sensible question to ask.

"No, why would I do that?" I said partly offended that he thought I spared any time for him and his insignificant waste of time ways.

"I see, I'll see you around miss....?" He asked for my name which I just frowned at giving him the 'i don't have to tell you and I don't like you' look.

Plus it's not like I can respond with 'Athanasia', 'Saeon' would just be worse and I am hell bent on using a name that is not mine I like my name.

"It was nice to meet you." He said making his retreat as he understood how much his presence wasn't needed nor appreciated.

There I was left in complete silence, my peaceful silence!

I was too lazy to find a good book and not in the mood for any more romance.

I'll just tell the books to come to me, I silently cast a spell in my head and the books started to flat and whirl around me.

Wizard guide? Nope

Heart of thevies? Nope

One by one the books got sent back as more came.

Suddenly the mana drifted, the books started to one by one move around rapidly with no direction looking like headless people.

I flinched back in shock making me tumble and land on my butt, that hurt.

"What...?" I mumbled watching how the books flew everywhere in complete awe and yet fright.

"Stop moving!" I growled, the moment he words fell out of my mouth all the books fell to the floor having a loud THUD sound.

What is going on...?

~Lily POV~

Athanasia had been going out alot more often, which is a good thing! That's what the princess would want her to do.

I can't help but worry though... 

What if something happened!? The princess would be devastated!

I should probably tell the princess of where athanasia is going right..? I'm sure that's the right thing to do...

But what If I'm bothering her? What if there's nothing to worry about?

I paced back and forth Infront of the princess room.

Okay! Just go in lily.

I opened the doors and froze.

The princess was having her back to the wall as sir magician towered over her both eyes looking at me who had just entered.

"IM SO SORRY!" I apologized my cheeks turning red as I slammed the door shut hearing the magician curse under his breath.

"Lily! I swear it is not what it looks like!" The princess burst open the doors who had been receiving alot of torment.

  "No no princess I understand,I was a once a little girl too who wanted to be in-"

"Lily it's not like that! We were having a disagreement!" She shouted making all the staff look over as I saw the magician pinch the bridge of his nose still cursing silently.

  "Athanasia is in the library, I thought I should tell you that's all, I'm sorry I interrupted, continue as if I was never here!" I told them making a dash for the- uh... Anywhere that wasn't Infront of the princess.

What did I walk in on...

I knew the princess and sir magician were close but I didn't know they were THAT close!

I mean I trust sir magician so I guess he is better then any other Nobel who could be with the princess for her title meanwhile the magician already had a title higher then the princess.

Note to self, KNOCK THE DOOR!

I can't believe I walked in on them....


Lord of obelia please erase my memories from ever seeing that, I never ever needed to know.

I didn't know when the sir magician appeared Infront of me.

"You'll feel a slight headache." He warned me before snapping his fingers.


What was I doing a moment ago.

"Sir magician,why are you here?" I asked him.

"Just passing by to see the princess, don't worry I'll be on my way." With  that he snapped his fingers and vanished from my sight.


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